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Well people i have a few questions i hope you can help with.

I am building a 1994 110 200 tdi defender overlander!!!! Now the truck will be used to travel overland in asia next year so i was wondering weather or not i should upgrade my intercooler.
If i decide to do it should i go for the standered width one that just slots in but has 50% more fins or the full width one that goes across the front. Also i would be fitting a snorkal and i have been out there before and its proper dusty, now do i fit a front mounted kenlow fan or should i stick with the standard one.

Any help or advice would be great.

Many Thanx Adam :D
do a search on intercooler. there was a good post on here a few weeks back.

i would personally stick to the viscous fan due to potential elec. probs with a kenlowe and mounting issues. the last thing you want to loose is your cooling system whilst overland.

where in asia are you going? overland all the way, or are you shipping?

i have a twisted performance intercooler and uprated rad along withe kenlowe and the viscous. being in Mallorca no probs on the overheating. Increased power is good although would recommend putting on a large exhaust you really noticed the difference in pulling power.
Rule of thumb is "the hotter the country then the bigger the intercooler".
Fit the biggest one you can afford and that fits.
If you can keep the intake temps as low as possible you'll get more grunt. You can not over cool the intake air as the colder the better.

Thats why Nitrous Oxide works so well in race cars. Not only does it provide more Oxygen but it super cools the intake air.

The cooler the air, the denser the charge, the more Oxygen to burn, which equals more power and drivability (not sure if thats a proper word but you know what I mean).

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