I have just come across this site, and you lot (with the exception of the one guy who actually talked out of his mouth instead of his behind) are just a bunch of useless morons who dont believe in helping ppl, OR being able to answer a simple question, you are worse than a bunch of old women, bitching and laughing at sensible questions. if they wanted to put brighter bulbs in then that would be the question, however, you dumb asses dont seem to be able to answer the simplest of questions.
Your site is made up of a bunch of clique little boys playing with their toys.

AND perhaps you might have to save your pennies for your car to run right, but if the only thing that is needing a little personal tweeking is the headlights, then YOU lot are the ones with the problems.

So get over yourselves and quit acting like the class joker trying to impress everyone, because whats under your bonnet isnt up to scratch and start respecting those who have it and dont need to brag about it.

Bunch of losers.

Sorry but your wrong! As you just qouted "I have just come across this site" so you dont know how it works yet!
And how does it work? a new person gets to sit there so that everyone can abuse them till they get bored?? wtf?? this site isnt that important that someone has to wait to be 'accepted' by the rejects of society who have nothing better to do than to pull apart questions to make themselves look better, its pathetic.
And how does it work? a new person gets to sit there so that everyone can abuse them till they get bored?? wtf?? this site isnt that important that someone has to wait to be 'accepted' by the rejects of society who have nothing better to do than to pull apart questions to make themselves look better, its pathetic.

heat - kitchen.

Fook orf then.
oh and by the way, don't bother posting any of your 'i think like a sheep and cant comment if its outside the group' posts, as i wont be coming back to read them, you are just a bunch of abusive, small-minded, idiots that follow one another cos you dont know how to stand up and be counted. GET SUM NUTS !!!
To be fair monkey man you said you wouldn't be back to read any posts, but you're still here. The editing quotes thing was done way back & can be quite amusing when it involves some imagination.

Generally this site deals with maintaining vehicles ('cept for the RR lot & the Gaylanders - obviously!...........actually even a fair bit on there is about keeping the things running!), not because we're all skint, just because that's in the main what this site is about, that and having a larf.

The old hands get just as much stick as newbies, actually probably more.

Anyone posting anything on here about bling upgrades gets stick, that's just how it is. There's plenty of pimp your motor sites & if you'd done any research you'd have seen that this isn't one.

So either grow yourself a sense of humour, or as Daft says, Feck off, but do us all a favour & stay fecked off this time.
hey biddy, i thought you were going, how come yer still lurking at the bottom of the page????
To be fair monkey man you said you wouldn't be back to read any posts, but you're still here. The editing quotes thing was done way back & can be quite amusing when it involves some imagination.

Generally this site deals with maintaining vehicles ('cept for the RR lot & the Gaylanders - obviously!...........actually even a fair bit on there is about keeping the things running!), not because we're all skint, just because that's in the main what this site is about, that and having a larf.

The old hands get just as much stick as newbies, actually probably more.

Anyone posting anything on here about bling upgrades gets stick, that's just how it is. There's plenty of pimp your motor sites & if you'd done any research you'd have seen that this isn't one.

So either grow yourself a sense of humour, or as Daft says, Feck off, but do us all a favour & stay fecked off this time.

I'd just like to say how much i agree with everything that's been said above - this is without doubt the most informative, helpfull and amusing land rover forum there is.

There are people who help on here for free who have forgotten more about all things land rover than i will ever know, and yet they give help and advise quicker than a very quick thing.

I am still what i would call a newbie in here, i know my place and i doft my hat in thanks to every one who helps.

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