the hooded claw

Well-Known Member
well I drove over to Leeds & had me Interview ...ABSOLUTLY NAILED THE ****ER!!!.........

Final Interview before Christmas & Interviewer said it "should be a Formalaty"

He also requested I apply for 3 other postions within Brit Gas as "My Expertise would be "Invaluable" to them"


(Now whats Rangiegals Number to buy her Rangie?????)......
Here I am Claw, better be quick now, the ebay auction ends in about 6 hours!!!! (Yes, really :( ) PM me for details if you like!!

Seriously though, well done and I'm really pleased for you!!!!!
dunt peeps have to advertise a job these days ? - a knows someone who was "given" a job then had to go through the full application process as others (when they found out) wanted the same job
Claw... result mate. Well done.

Sean... You've just hit a nerve now mate so I'll step up on my soap box; you can thank all this political correctness and EU laws for the current bull job situation. Previous years would see employers being allowed to actually say who and what they wanted. Now they can't, so a lot of jobs now are being filled on the quite (which isn't against any laws), but may be against company policy. This way they can actually pick who they want and don't want for the job without any comeback. If anyone then complains its put down to a 'chat' about your future and as the job isn't advertised it was a 'future' discussion.

I just think that is you have been 'given' a job then keeping it is the problem as if you get it by 'dark hat' methods, then you can also loose it by the same means.

I still think (although outdated these days) that hard work and being good at your job is enough and those that play games loose in the long run.... I say outdated coz I'm yet to see that actually work that way round. I'll step down off me soap box now.
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well I drove over to Leeds & had me Interview ...ABSOLUTLY NAILED THE ****ER!!!.........

Final Interview before Christmas & Interviewer said it "should be a Formalaty"

He also requested I apply for 3 other postions within Brit Gas as "My Expertise would be "Invaluable" to them"


(Now whats Rangiegals Number to buy her Rangie?????)......

Keep my fingers crossed !!!

Now that P38 is something else. Some lucky sod is going to get a good un.
well done mate, an achievement in the current UK economic climate, good to see experience and knowledge winning over the pound note for a change.

well chuffed for you bud.
Nice to have some good news especially just before Christmas. As well as a Rangie, you maye even be able to afford a new Gimp suit so you don't have to borrow J the range's
Seriously, I hope it comes through for you.
well done mate, soon you will be welcomed back to the fraternity of being a range rover driver and being employed!

to be fair they both have there problems! lol
Claw... result mate. Well done.

I still think (although outdated these days) that hard work and being good at your job is enough and those that play games loose in the long run.... I say outdated coz I'm yet to see that actually work that way round. I'll step down off me soap box now.

I used to beleive in the very same work ethics as you until some so called colleague who has no ethics and wanted promotion (i.e. my job) made a serious (unfounded) complaint about me, and yep you guessed it bang went my career.. so now i trust no one,,

but at least i can come on here to keep me sane :doh:
Claw... result mate. Well done.

Sean... You've just hit a nerve now mate so I'll step up on my soap box; you can thank all this political correctness and EU laws for the current bull job situation. Previous years would see employers being allowed to actually say who and what they wanted. Now they can't, so a lot of jobs now are being filled on the quite (which isn't against any laws), but may be against company policy. This way they can actually pick who they want and don't want for the job without any comeback. If anyone then complains its put down to a 'chat' about your future and as the job isn't advertised it was a 'future' discussion.

I just think that is you have been 'given' a job then keeping it is the problem as if you get it by 'dark hat' methods, then you can also loose it by the same means.

I still think (although outdated these days) that hard work and being good at your job is enough and those that play games loose in the long run.... I say outdated coz I'm yet to see that actually work that way round. I'll step down off me soap box now.

no point lecturing me pal - am just pointing out a fact which might help him decide not to go spending money before he earns it
no point lecturing me pal - am just pointing out a fact which might help him decide not to go spending money before he earns it

Lecturing :confused:

I did think of taking the time of explaining how I wasn't lecturing at or about you... but then again. If you can't see that I was indirectly supporting your previous views of people being given jobs.... then with the greatest of respect I'd just be wasting my time.
Hi all

well done matey very very best of news but as said before best hold on until the fat lady sings the last note then spend the cash and rejoin the rest of us nutters with our beloved P38's

good lucj and well done

Great news Keith,

I am really pleased for you, good luck for the final interview and hope you definitely get the job. :D

Well done this will be great for Christmas as well and definitely needs celebrating big time once you have the acceptance contract. :beer2::beer2:

I'm really pleased for you mate but as Sean has rightly pointed out, Don't count yer chickens just yet. Better to play it calm and collected and make sure that you have 100% got the job than it is to get all excited and find out summit went Pete Tong.