In message <>
Ian Rawlings <> wrote:

> On 2006-11-15, Larry <oz@ym.andius> wrote:
> > Out of curiosity what are the large number of older vehicles that fall into
> > no band whatsoever supposed to pay, can we go in for free?

> Don't push that point or they'll ban them from the roads!

That will probably be the next move - there was talk about a scheme
being introduced (copying another country - Sweden?) where older
cars get banned from the roads, but you'd get a whole £500 towards
your new one (that's new new, NOT s/h new). Needless to say I mailed
Vine to ask where the other £24,500 was comming from, and pointing
out that it was just another tax, as the goverment would get a lot
more in VAT than the £500 for a sale that would never normally
have taken place (not that it would, I couldn't afford 20 quid,
never mind that lot, so I'd have been out of work and house bound,
which I also pointed out).
Strangely, the question(s) was never asked of the prat suggesting it.

> In the movies, when you drive such a vehicle into range, the central
> computer would start saying "Does not compute!" and burst into flames,
> causing the cameras to erupt in a shower of sparks, freeing the
> population from their oppressors to the swelling strings of a
> background orchestra.

So that's what happened when I tried to register the
BrandNewLeopardSkinPillboxHat as being "Leopard Skin" for

> Why don't you drive it in there and see? Take a video camera with you.

Who wants to go to London anyway? An excellent place to be comming
from, in my book..... unless you're going to Stoke.


-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
In message <ejet28$jbq$1@localhost.localdomain>
"GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:

> Ian Rawlings wrote:
> > On 2006-11-14, Cyberwraith <> wrote:
> >
> >> Consider yourself recommended. 37 now

> >
> > Cheers. The amount of tosh posted by people really does make you
> > wonder if democracy is a good idea.

> democracy, what's that?

A process whereby Chablis drinking, vegetarian quiche-eaters in
Finchley get what they want "for the sake of the kids" at
everyone else's expense?

-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive

"beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
> In message <ejet28$jbq$1@localhost.localdomain>
> "GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:
>> Ian Rawlings wrote:
>> > On 2006-11-14, Cyberwraith <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Consider yourself recommended. 37 now
>> >
>> > Cheers. The amount of tosh posted by people really does make you
>> > wonder if democracy is a good idea.

>> democracy, what's that?

> A process whereby Chablis drinking, vegetarian quiche-eaters in
> Finchley get what they want "for the sake of the kids" at
> everyone else's expense?


People in Finchley would have to support Spurs...

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

beamendsltd wrote:
> In message <ejet28$jbq$1@localhost.localdomain>
> "GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:
>> Ian Rawlings wrote:
>>> On 2006-11-14, Cyberwraith <> wrote:
>>>> Consider yourself recommended. 37 now
>>> Cheers. The amount of tosh posted by people really does make you
>>> wonder if democracy is a good idea.

>> democracy, what's that?

> A process whereby Chablis drinking, vegetarian quiche-eaters in
> Finchley get what they want "for the sake of the kids" at
> everyone else's expense?
> Richard

Hmm. I thought it was the process akin to two wolves and a sheep discussing the

Don't say it cannot be done, rather what is needed to do it!

If the answer is offensive maybe the question was inappropriate

The fiend of my fiend is my enema!

In message <ejets5$r0l$>
"William Black" <> wrote:

> "beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
> > In message <ejet28$jbq$1@localhost.localdomain>
> > "GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:
> >
> >> Ian Rawlings wrote:
> >> > On 2006-11-14, Cyberwraith <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Consider yourself recommended. 37 now
> >> >
> >> > Cheers. The amount of tosh posted by people really does make you
> >> > wonder if democracy is a good idea.
> >>
> >> democracy, what's that?
> >>

> >
> > A process whereby Chablis drinking, vegetarian quiche-eaters in
> > Finchley get what they want "for the sake of the kids" at
> > everyone else's expense?

> Islington.
> People in Finchley would have to support Spurs...

My sister, from North Finchley if that's a different place,
probably thinks support for spurs is a device for hanging
horse-riding equipment on... ;-)


-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On 2006-11-15, beamendsltd <> wrote:

> That will probably be the next move - there was talk about a scheme
> being introduced (copying another country - Sweden?) where older
> cars get banned from the roads, but you'd get a whole £500 towards
> your new one (that's new new, NOT s/h new).

France are threatening to cut up military vehicles in non-military
hands, so we don't have it as badly here as we might have, not at the
moment anyhow.

It's pretty ****e though that they encourage you to buy new cars, it's
almost as if it's not being done for environmental reasons at all, but
to save the economy from those evil-doers who refuse, nay refuse! to
join in and buy a new car every few years..

> So that's what happened when I tried to register the
> BrandNewLeopardSkinPillboxHat as being "Leopard Skin" for
> colour!

(scratches head)

New stocks of anti-freeze in then?

> Who wants to go to London anyway? An excellent place to be comming
> from, in my book..... unless you're going to Stoke.

Yesterday I amused myself by plotting a route into london on my new
satnav system and enabling the traffic warnings, and watching the
delays rise to 3 hours and gradually drop back down to just 1 hour..
Then I commuted from the bath to my office in 6 steps.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On 2006-11-15, beamendsltd <> wrote:

> My sister, from North Finchley if that's a different place,
> probably thinks support for spurs is a device for hanging
> horse-riding equipment on... ;-)

Oooh horse riding equipment, lah de dah!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
In message <>
Ian Rawlings <> wrote:

> On 2006-11-15, beamendsltd <> wrote:
> > That will probably be the next move - there was talk about a scheme
> > being introduced (copying another country - Sweden?) where older
> > cars get banned from the roads, but you'd get a whole £500 towards
> > your new one (that's new new, NOT s/h new).

> France are threatening to cut up military vehicles in non-military
> hands, so we don't have it as badly here as we might have, not at the
> moment anyhow.
> It's pretty ****e though that they encourage you to buy new cars, it's
> almost as if it's not being done for environmental reasons at all, but
> to save the economy from those evil-doers who refuse, nay refuse! to
> join in and buy a new car every few years..
> > So that's what happened when I tried to register the
> > BrandNewLeopardSkinPillboxHat as being "Leopard Skin" for
> > colour!

> (scratches head)
> New stocks of anti-freeze in then?

BrandNewLeopardSkinPillBoxHat = 1960 Series II
Colour = Leopard Skin

Never, ever, tell Dust Mat Dan that "any colour" will do!
Or park outside a handbag shop - it takes ages to find......

> > Who wants to go to London anyway? An excellent place to be comming
> > from, in my book..... unless you're going to Stoke.

> Yesterday I amused myself by plotting a route into london on my new
> satnav system and enabling the traffic warnings, and watching the
> delays rise to 3 hours and gradually drop back down to just 1 hour..
> Then I commuted from the bath to my office in 6 steps.

Ah!! Memories of the M40 of Friday nights....... errrgh!


-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:02:56 +0000, beamendsltd
<> enlightened us thusly:

>Never, ever, tell Dust Mat Dan that "any colour" will do!
>Or park outside a handbag shop - it takes ages to find......

Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
"My centre is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent.
I shall attack. - Marshal Foch (1851 - 1929)
On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:06:17 +0000, Ian Rawlings wrote:

> Yesterday I amused myself by plotting a route into london on my new
> satnav system and enabling the traffic warnings, and watching the
> delays rise to 3 hours and gradually drop back down to just 1 hour..
> Then I commuted from the bath to my office in 6 steps.

I got caught in a serious multi car, lorry and bus traffic jam in town
yesterday morning. Front Street was entirely gridlocked for at least 5
minutes. All because of the rubbish collection taking place. Shocking,
shouldn't be allowed at 0930 on a Tuesday morning, delayed me by at least
2 minutes. B-)

Dave. pam is missing e-mail

On 2006-11-15, Dave Liquorice <> wrote:

> I got caught in a serious multi car, lorry and bus traffic jam in town
> yesterday morning. Front Street was entirely gridlocked for at least 5
> minutes. All because of the rubbish collection taking place. Shocking,
> shouldn't be allowed at 0930 on a Tuesday morning, delayed me by at least
> 2 minutes. B-)

Worst I had around here was due to animals on the road, about 50 of
them, sheep in fact, being moved from one field to the next around my
car. Traffic these days!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
In message <>
Austin Shackles <> wrote:

> On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:02:56 +0000, beamendsltd
> <> enlightened us thusly:
> >Never, ever, tell Dust Mat Dan that "any colour" will do!
> >Or park outside a handbag shop - it takes ages to find......

> .jpg!

I'd just like to make it clear non of the people pictured
are me!!

-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:42:23 +0000, beamendsltd
<> enlightened us thusly:

>In message <>
> Austin Shackles <> wrote:
>> On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:02:56 +0000, beamendsltd
>> <> enlightened us thusly:
>> >Never, ever, tell Dust Mat Dan that "any colour" will do!
>> >Or park outside a handbag shop - it takes ages to find......

>> .jpg!

>I'd just like to make it clear non of the people pictured
>are me!!

now that is cool. who are they all then?

I assume it's been registered on leaving the forces, as it shouldn't have a
1970 number on a 1960 wagon otherwise.
Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
"The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims to
a great lie than to a small one" Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
from Mein Kampf, Ch 10
In message <>, Lee_D
<> writes
>Ian Rawlings <> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
>> Article has now been updated, title now reads "Polluting cars face
>> rise" and the only reference to 4x4s is as follows;
>> "The daily charge for vehicles in carbon emissions band G, which
>> includes some 4x4s, is to rise to 25 from 2009."
>> I hope someone got a kick in the arse for that one! At least they
>> updated it, they're not as crap as some media outlets.

>It's clear to me we need a recognised religion.... most of us preach to the
>"Oh please no god" , or the more regular term "come off you f**k**g b*s*a*d
>heap of ****", on Saturdays and Sundays... and the respective workshop
>manuals must be our bible....."Thou shalt not jack without an axle stand"
>etc etc....
>We need to keep up pressure on Media such as this, It's a cracking example
>of people power! Maybe we need a site to complile such glaringly obvious
>targetting of 4x4 owners, name and shame I say!
>Or perhaphs a site that looks at the positive side of 4x4 use such as the
>many many volunteer groups. Many will know I have called on our local groups
>in my role when the City ground to a halt due to a big freeze. It was
>recognised by both the Council and Heads of my outfit Plod Inc that had they
>not turned out major artierial roads & junctions would have remained blocked
>for several hours more thus preventing any gritters getting through. I know
>for certain that I'd be telling Mr Mayor where to stick his congestion
>charge if they found London in a similar predicament.
>I guess the 4x4 prejudice site is pretty much the above positive site I'm
>thinking of.
>Lee D

All ready to go again this winter Lee
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
In message <>
Austin Shackles <> wrote:

> On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:42:23 +0000, beamendsltd
> <> enlightened us thusly:
> >In message <>
> > Austin Shackles <> wrote:
> >
> >> On or around Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:02:56 +0000, beamendsltd
> >> <> enlightened us thusly:
> >>
> >> >Never, ever, tell Dust Mat Dan that "any colour" will do!
> >> >Or park outside a handbag shop - it takes ages to find......
> >>
> >> .jpg!

> >
> >I'd just like to make it clear non of the people pictured
> >are me!!
> >
> >

> now that is cool. who are they all then?

N&N members out laning, about 5 years ago - Jim The Quiche is obscuring
the view, Dust Mat Dan is driving, Offspring No.2 (Dust Mat Dan) in
the middle and MarkyMark "navigating", but it might be Pat The Rat
- we're having a brew just off the old A6 above Buxton.

The vehicle behind is Tidy Bus II The Sequel, which I think we'd
just finished and sold to Mrs. Merton's Husband.

> I assume it's been registered on leaving the forces, as it shouldn't have a
> 1970 number on a 1960 wagon otherwise.

It was de-mobbed in 1974! Why it has that plate is a mystery.


-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
Cyberwraith wrote:

|| "Ian Rawlings" <> wrote in message
||| On 2006-11-14, beamendsltd <> wrote:
|||| Nah, that's not religion, that's reality!
||| Talking of which, if you check out the ludicrous "have your say"
||| board thing attached to the beeb's latest tirade against 4x4s, not
||| only will you see an amazing torrent of total ****e, e.g. 4x4s use
||| twice as much of everything as normal cars etc etc ad infinitum, if
||| you order by "Reader's Recommended" then at the end of the second
||| page you'll see the following by a sensible chap called "The Famous
||| Eccles" (i.e. me). If anyone feels like it, log in if you have an
||| account and see if you can get it onto page one!
||| --------------------
||| My "enormous road-hogging 4x4" is a Land Rover Defender 110 pick-up,
||| it's less than 2 centimetres longer than my other car, a 1997 Audi
||| A4. Somehow though this 2 centimetres in extra length makes it a
||| road hog, despite it being 3 centimetres narrower.
||| Also, the list of "band G" cars has very few 4x4s on it, because
||| they are not the most polluting cars on the roads. Grow up you
||| prejudiced bunch of bigots. If you want to tackle a problem, then
||| try a dose of reality first.
||| --------------------
||| URL is;
||| --
||| Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
|| Consider yourself recommended. 37 now

"This debate is now closed".

I liked

""Dear European Court of Human Rights,

I have been forced to give up my 4x4 'Cold Turkey, by the cruel and punitive
UK tax regime and the envy of non-prosperous socialists.' Can I claim my
compensation please?

Frustrated motorist"

"Dear Motorist,

The answer is no.

We note that you educated yourself and have achieved some success, to the
point where you are able to buy a nice car.

You are not entitled to any compensation, consideration or democratic
representation. Your role is to be taxed to the hilt to pay for everyone
else, and treated as the whipping boy for all of society's problems.


The European Court of Justice."

Too true.


2001 Disco II ES auto
1971 S2a 88" petrol
1991 Transit Camper

Take out the obvious to email me.

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:32:15 +0000, beamendsltd
<> wrote:

>N&N members out laning, about 5 years ago - Jim The Quiche is obscuring
>the view, Dust Mat Dan is driving, Offspring No.2 (Dust Mat Dan) in
>the middle and MarkyMark "navigating", but it might be Pat The Rat
>- we're having a brew just off the old A6 above Buxton.

I think ive walked along that road where your landy is (though a lot
of them round that way look very similar!)
>The vehicle behind is Tidy Bus II The Sequel, which I think we'd
>just finished and sold to Mrs. Merton's Husband.
>> I assume it's been registered on leaving the forces, as it shouldn't have a
>> 1970 number on a 1960 wagon otherwise.

>It was de-mobbed in 1974! Why it has that plate is a mystery.

I thought they just chose a year at random and gave them that plate?
I have an 81 plated 101 ambi and it was built in 77..