Its not that kind of fault, the handbrake works perfectly as long as the yellow light isnt on. There is no noise or anything. Its definitely electrical

Yes but adjustment can cause all sorts of issues as the epb module can over stroke and get the sulks, shoe adjustment is probably one of the biggest issues with the epb shoe set up as people just assume it works so must be okay.
Some decent how to vids on youtube, 8 clicks is the magic number.

There is also a tension/load gauge/cell built into ome of the handbrake cables, driver side Iirc? it tells the epb module how much force its applying.

Also each side handbrake cable runs through a stainless steel wire guide on the rear lower suspension arms, the stainless guide can wear through and shag the cable causing it to stick, the guides are available on ebay.
Brake backplates can also rust quite badly and the cables need the backplates to be sound.

I guess what Im saying is make sure its mechanically sound before getting to involved in the electrical side.
Just wanted to let people know it was indeed the module. No one i spoke too had ever seen a module not wake up intermittently.

All fixed :)

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