
New Member
Hi Everyone,
Have I bought the worst Landy ever? I have had it a week and it
is off the road (but not in the fun way)

In this week I have...

Realised the clutch master cyclinder is terminally F....broken
Smoked out the entire neighbourhood evrytime I have started it
(hopefully its just valve stem oil seals..)
Filled it with Petrol yesterday..came downstairs this morning smelling
petrol looks like the petrol tank is leaking. (dripping from the front)

Was driving on an errand this evening pottering alone when a dozy women in a micra reversed out in front of me, stood on the brakes HARD wheels locked up the car slewed to one side and stopped not 6" away from her.

As I sat there gathering my thoughts the brake pedal sank to the floor.
No brakes.

Poking around underneath one of the rear brakes pipes has burst.
**** had 5 kids in it this afternoon, thank god it died with just me
in it! :eek:

So I now have to replace clutch master cyclinder, remove fuel tank
(military 88" IIa where do I get another?), replace all brake pipes.
..find out why its burning so much oil.

Guess I'll not be making the Suffolk Land Rover Owners pub meet
this wednesday.

Can anyone top this for a first week of Landy Ownership?

Matt "I'll not be buying a lotterey ticket" C :mad:
lets see..when i got mine it needed a complete strip down. every thing taken off the chassis. all brakes ****ed. some stickinhg on and some covered in oil. both diff seals, all four hub seals. one new swivel; new steering relay. two new footwells. a right **** load of chassis welding. new out riggers. new dumb irons. new fuel line, new exhaust, new seats blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! the list goes on. so yes i think you have been topped
Welcome to the wonderful world of Land Rover ownership.
Series Landys always seem to enjoy being "tinkered" with.
It's all part of the Land Rover experience.:)
Gaylanders don't count.
As said - occupational hazard of Landy Ownership - '71 S2a 109SW

Within a week of buying mine the following pleasures made themselves obvious

1 - rear diff ( rover type ) self imploded
2 - fan belt snapped taking lots of rusty radiator finning with it - ahh the usefullness of super glue and Radweld is revealed :)
3 - Passenger side front door top fell off into middle of the road
4 - starter motor suddenly decided that it wanted an obviously overdue vacation and just went

other than those minor niggles - and terminal smokyness , lack of speed ( last time i travelled this slow was when i only owned a pushbike and was 13 ) , appalling fuel consumption , having to fit 100watt speaker to actually hear the radio , I wouldn't swap it for anything

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