
New Member can all tell me that I should have taken photos! Removed both front seats and centre console so I could get the sopping carpets out. Replaced the drivers' seat but have a black connector that, for the life of me, cannot see where it should go. It is in the same loom as the yellow connector (pre-tensioner?)

The passenger seat does not have this black plug. Vehicle is an 04 ES so heated and electric seats.

The passenger seat is still out and I notice that the SRS light is on permanently. Would this be because the passenger seat is not installed or because I haven't found a home for the black plug?

I have scoured the wiring diagram but to little avail.

Second, I got the centre console out and while idly sitting at the traffic lights and gazing down I saw this connector which for the life of me I cannot remember removing. :eek::eek::eek:

Or perhaps it is intended for something that my vehicle doesn't have?

(Actually even though I have made these minor faux pas, it is the first bit of 'real' work I have done on the old girl and so ever so slightly chuffed with myself.)

On my D1, all the SRS stuff is bright yellow, with yellow sleeving as in the first pic.

The connector in the last pic appears to be normally under the centre console, I have a "spare" 2 contact connector there too, of unknown purpose, I suspect (without looking at the connector again, or digging out haynes), that it is likely illumination for those with autoboxes. If it powers up/ with sidelights then that is its likely purpose.
The illumination feed is a good suggestion but the power for that comes through the same connector as the feeds to drive the LEDs on an automatic (which is mine).

Just had another look at the passenger side and the yellow connector is fed with unsleeved orange wires....!!
Aha...managed to track down what the black connector is for...

The Black (2-way Econoseal) connector under the driver's seat, is for the seat belt buckle switch, which is not fitted to UK vehicles.

So not losing my marbles yet!
the connector in the first pic might be C0237 as i can see one wire is pink/white and it's for the seat's squab heater element(see attachment)

the other one seems like it should go below and might be from the transfer box temp sensor which is unused on Td5...just tell me what colour wires are going into it

the SRS light is on cos the other seat's pretensioner is not connected


  • Elecric seat diagram.jpg
    Elecric seat diagram.jpg
    104.5 KB · Views: 181
Hi Sierrafery...I'm pretty sure that the black connector under the seat is as reported in the link I found (think our posts might have crossed). The heater connections are all together on the brown plug, I believe.

The centre console connector wires black.

Thx for reassuring me on the reason for the SRS light to be on. I sort of had a gut feel that that was the reason but good to have it confirmed by an expert.
i'm not an expert and i dont have electric seats so i relied only on the diagram based on the fact that it appears as 2 way connector and it has one black one pink/white wire so take it just as a hint...maybe PaulMc will see this cos he is the expert in this field(eventually PM him cos he's a helpfull chap)

if in the other connector:eek: one is simple green i have no ideea

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