there was one at a festival i did in scotland a few years ago.

It was busy all weekend as it was the only way to get the trucks up to the top stage fully loaded, nothing else could tow a 44ton arctic through the mud and slurry.

It also pulled the local rigger out in his misses grand vitara. :lol:
Killajoules, what happened to Langley Farm? I went a couple of times round '96 ish but I haven't seen owt since?

A combination of factors really, the main few being :

  • The land rover mag sponsored shows started to burgeon into existance, the last straw being the Peterborough show on the same weekend. These took away the trade stands that helped pay for the event.
  • The lack of volunteers, as usual in clubs it is usually the same people who end up doing all the work year in, year out. Whilst very satisfying in pulling of a good weekend, after several years you hope somone else will step up and let the oldies just enjoy the weekend, but it never happens.
  • With falling visitors and lack of trade stands the financial exposure to the club began getting too close to the mark, A succesful weekend paid for itself and added a few pennies to the coffers, a bad weekend would have bankrupted the club.
  • YLROCs dwindling membership.
So sadly I think 2006 was the last year, ironically I do have a 2007 shirt at home but if I recall correctly it was cancelled that year due to another foot and mouth scare.

The club then elected not to continue. It was sad given that it was the first open 4x4 weekend, originally running at Top Farm for around 10 years then moved to Langley Farm around 1991/2 for the next 15 years. ( I personally attended the last Top Farm) when I got my first Land Rover and joined YLROC.

Sadly those that attend events rarely think of all the hard work that goes in, in this case several working weekends every year to prepare the off road course, rapair the bridges over the stream that got vandalised every year and clearing the wooland tracks and then preparing the mud run.

Then of course just running the event, emptying all the bins, tidying the site through the day, marshalling the off road course, manning the club tent and worst of all marshalling the contra flow on the farm track accessing the site, that was a very lonely job, thank heavens for Granny who diligently ran around brining drinks and food to all those that were volunteering.

Then f fourse after all the visitors have left carefully line searching all the site picking up litter down to the sweet wrappers and bottle lids into the night, then of course we all had work in the morning!

I used to travel up there from Herts and always ended up working hard on the site all weekend. As I have already mentioned, it was a great feeling to help pull off a great weekend, but after 15 years, with few coming in tfrom the ranks you just end up giving up.

RIP Langley Farm :eek:
Hmmm I think all clubs in no matter what they support have the same.

They go through great times for a few years, then get into the doldrums a bit. People join clubs for all sorts of reasons, usually out of curiosity and to indulge their interests, then hopefully make friends and become more involved.

For some we really enjoy what we get from the club and start to put back in in whatever way we can, that could be joining the committees, setting up and runnign events or just occasionally martialling instead of driving.

The clubs are there for everyone, and you get out what you put in, if folk want to turn up and trial then thats fantastic, if they want to help even better, but we all have various time constraints, some mebers simply cannot contribute. but they are happy to be members.

Personally I have now live in Herts for 15 years but am still a passionate YLROC member, I virtually only get to see them at the Nationals each year but the club spirit is fantastic and all newcommers are welcome.

Likewise with the shoe on the other foot I am a member of BHCLRC, CVLRC, LRSOC & caravan club. I so far have had little opportunity to get involved or attend many events/meetings, just one greenlaning trip with BHCLRC so far and watched a but of teh last CVLRC RTV, though I hope to have the 80" ready for the next RTV.

I have to fit Land Rovering in with the wifes Scouting, another splendid volunteer organisation/club. As usual it is the hope with all these that new members can be brought in and involved and hopefully step up to help.

Bloomin eck I sound like that Cameron geezer :frusty:

I would always recommend joining a club, especially a LR club as they are excellent family orientated organisations. Sadly though it seems that memberships accross the board are falling, though this may partially be due to the fiscal climate

Anyhoo, a few piccies from the last few Langley Farms

Playing with the Mog


Clearing the tracks in the wood

Teasting the mudhole depth

The aftermath of hitting the mudhole hard throughout the day

A combination of factors really, the main few being :

  • The land rover mag sponsored shows started to burgeon into existance, the last straw being the Peterborough show on the same weekend. These took away the trade stands that helped pay for the event.
  • The lack of volunteers, as usual in clubs it is usually the same people who end up doing all the work year in, year out. Whilst very satisfying in pulling of a good weekend, after several years you hope somone else will step up and let the oldies just enjoy the weekend, but it never happens.
  • With falling visitors and lack of trade stands the financial exposure to the club began getting too close to the mark, A succesful weekend paid for itself and added a few pennies to the coffers, a bad weekend would have bankrupted the club.
  • YLROCs dwindling membership.
So sadly I think 2006 was the last year, ironically I do have a 2007 shirt at home but if I recall correctly it was cancelled that year due to another foot and mouth scare.

The club then elected not to continue. It was sad given that it was the first open 4x4 weekend, originally running at Top Farm for around 10 years then moved to Langley Farm around 1991/2 for the next 15 years. ( I personally attended the last Top Farm) when I got my first Land Rover and joined YLROC.

Sadly those that attend events rarely think of all the hard work that goes in, in this case several working weekends every year to prepare the off road course, rapair the bridges over the stream that got vandalised every year and clearing the wooland tracks and then preparing the mud run.

Then of course just running the event, emptying all the bins, tidying the site through the day, marshalling the off road course, manning the club tent and worst of all marshalling the contra flow on the farm track accessing the site, that was a very lonely job, thank heavens for Granny who diligently ran around brining drinks and food to all those that were volunteering.

Then f fourse after all the visitors have left carefully line searching all the site picking up litter down to the sweet wrappers and bottle lids into the night, then of course we all had work in the morning!

I used to travel up there from Herts and always ended up working hard on the site all weekend. As I have already mentioned, it was a great feeling to help pull off a great weekend, but after 15 years, with few coming in tfrom the ranks you just end up giving up.

RIP Langley Farm :eek:

You never realise that people have to put alot of time and efort into things like that.
I visited both sites and had a good time.

For wot its worth now "thanks dude" :D

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