none whatsoever. shes a size 8 throughout, shoe size 6 :D i also used to live with 6 girls at uni ;) man of the 'ouse me... or ladies man :eek: who knows.

i was tempted to buy her a steering rack uj last year.

chickened out at the last minute and bought her a gold necklace instead.
after spending what feels like a combined total of months being dragged form shop to shop i just give her a fistful of cash and send her on her merry way!

i give her the gift of whatever the hell she wants to buy and she gets a day out shopping while i run off to the gun club!!!
I've got our Mytle some bicycle tyres, it's her birthday in January so I'll get the inner tubes then. I'm not joking.
I nearly bought our lass an LCD telly fur the bedroom!

but it had Cliff Richard on it and she dunt like him so i dint bother
none whatsoever. shes a size 8 throughout, shoe size 6 :D i also used to live with 6 girls at uni ;) man of the 'ouse me... or ladies man :eek: who knows.


size 8 - SIZE 8! - oh jeez - those were the days eh! i had a 30" waist once - now i cant see my knees - as for the boss -
them wur trhe days, eh! daft wet dreams and dry farts. now in old age its the otherway round
Its often crossed my mind that the sphincter is a wonderful muscle being able to differentiate between gas and lumpy fluids.........................Well most of the time anyway!
My Missus can have whatever she wants.

She told me so.

my missus gets whatever she wants
I find out about it when I get the credit card bill
Mrs Ming alway buys me two pairs er thunders on christmas ,we zoglians dont celibrate christmas the same as you earthling,but we like ta join in, however ma thunders are gettin er bit thread bare from last christmas, i alway put one on, tother int wash, as we are very clean people, i always change them after three skidders. . . .:D :D :D
Mrs Ming alway buys me two pairs er thunders on christmas ,we zoglians dont celibrate christmas the same as you earthling,but we like ta join in, however ma thunders are gettin er bit thread bare from last christmas, i alway put one on, tother int wash, as we are very clean people, i always change them after three skidders. . . .:D :D :D

ooooh, skiddie thunders, not yuo most attractive bit......... do you have any atractive bits come to think of it! :D

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