exactly- gaylanders are ****e and there owners should just stay in the gaylander section where they cant get stuck or loose doors!

they should also shut the fook up with there stupid threads!

enough abuse? :p
Interesting reading lol ............ Yes i own a Freelander ... No im not gay ..... Im not a hairdresser but i do work in a similar trade ha ha .... & ..... Ive just found the 6 disc changer under the seat ... PMSl .... I love my Freeeeeeeeeeeeee .... lol
Interesting reading lol ............ Yes i own a Freelander ... No im not gay ..... Im not a hairdresser but i do work in a similar trade ha ha .... & ..... Ive just found the 6 disc changer under the seat ... PMSl .... I love my Freeeeeeeeeeeeee .... lol
thats not a cd changer its for curlers and scissors:doh:

The rufty tufty tratterers on ere don’t really mean it when they pick on Freelander owners. They is just playing. Bit like when they roll over un tickle each others tummys. They dun’t mean any harm by it. They is simple people, living simple lives. That’s why they has tratters. They don’t like lectrics, un they don’t like comfort. They think they’re tratters is betterer than any other vehicle on the road (except jeeps) un they is jealous of others who drive a wiser choice of vehicle. Stick around and you’ll be ok. Wiv Land Rover preferring to make vehicles wiv independent suspension, they too will be owning a Freelander one day, or something very similar made by Land Rover.

The rufty tufty tratterers on ere don’t really mean it when they pick on Freelander owners. They is just playing. Bit like when they roll over un tickle each others tummys. They dun’t mean any harm by it. They is simple people, living simple lives. That’s why they has tratters. They don’t like lectrics, un they don’t like comfort. They think they’re tratters is betterer than any other vehicle on the road (except jeeps) un they is jealous of others who drive a wiser choice of vehicle. Stick around and you’ll be ok. Wiv Land Rover preferring to make vehicles wiv independent suspension, they too will be owning a Freelander one day, or something very similar made by Land Rover.
id rather stick red hot needles in my eyes
range rover v8 a tratter then?

and we do mean it!, get back to the gaylander section :D
range rover v8 a tratter then?

and we do mean it!, get back to the gaylander section :D
You raise a valid point there. I was starting to think all D1 owners were tratterers too. Perhaps even D2 owners as well. But I int thought about rr owners... Perhaps pudding will do a poll. :rolleyes:
the thing is freelander drivers have to shout and wave to get people to notice its a landrover that their driving wheras us tratter drivers dont cos they is instantly reckonized,they dont get fellow owners waving at them and they is just jealous,d1 and rr classic owners are all wanna be tratter drivers thats why they all have rotten boot floors,cos the pig **** has destroyed em. champagne 007 dont say if its a fl1 or fl2 but no doubt we will find out in the next couple of hours when summat breaks
Basically gaylanders are the runt landrovers, they just suck……. can't go off road and aren't that practical as they never have any doors
Beg to differ on that one! (My bold)

GL's spend most of their time off road, coz that's where they have to shove 'em when they break down or fall apart!

If you drive a defender you are a rufty tufty tratter driver, If yer a freelander driver yer a hairdresser and have special comartments for yer curling tongs, If yer a rangie driver yer either a snob or a chav, if yer a disco driver yer either swing both ways cos you couldn't decide on what to get or yer a wannabe tratter driver cos you couldn't afford a defender. If yer a series driver you think that all landys with coil springs are just plain wrong.

We may take the mickey out of each other for the type of vehicle we or others on this forum drive but at the end of the day it's all harmless fun.

It's generally only when newbies come along and take what is being said as being vindictive that problems accur. It can also go too far when every cry for help in the gayl......erm.....freelander section gets the reply of 'burn it'.

Everyone has their personal view on what they do and don't like and tales of horror for each model of vehicle. Just chill out and don't take anything to heart.

you're a c£nt.. ;)
im just amazed at the crap posted on here....a freelander aint a defender so what...... a defender is a commercial truck designed to go through mud and ruts and have crap chucked in the back ... i dont have interior trim cos it has to be hosed out now and again..... the freelander is an estate car with all wheel drive so its got a chance of not getting stuck on a wet school playing field or campsite....... they are two different vehicles for two different markets

me, i drive a disco cos it does what i want for work and doubles as family transport..... i ve no need for a defender cos its crap for the family transport bit, but could see buying a freelander for the doris (pug 306 at the mo) and new range rovers is for pratts wive too much money. the disco has taken the market the rangi was origionally designed for before it became a top end poser's car.,

but the bottom line is they are different vehicles aimed at different users.

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