The plastic under-door trim strips sure do create a rust trap.
I had a small hole in the horizontal part of the outer sill on the LH side, so I took off the trim to weld in a patch. The condition of the vertical web of the outer sill was badly corroded where the trim strip is fitted. I replaced the entire sill, then took the RH trim off and found similar corrosion requiring new sils.
After fitting the new ones I have decided to not fit the trim. Holes in the vertical webs provide good access for pumping Waxoyl mixed with engine oil into the sills.
I have been doing this for very many years on a variety of classic cars and find it works well. Before I spray it into enclosed sections I get it quite warm and it really does flow well.
One place where I have found this to work well is inside the sills of my classic Minis.

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