You know, I think you might be wasting your talents on here... Have you ever considered becoming a rocket scientist??

So because I'm a reader and not avid poster, you don't want me here? Is that it?

Do I have to be logged in everyday and post all day every day to be in your gang!?
With all due respect and as much as I love ol' BB I'm not entirely convinced he ought to start designing rockets.. :eek:
I've been a member for nearly 5 years.... I meant out of here, as in this thread...... Not the forum, although the warm welcome I've received this evening has really made me feel all pink and fluffy inside.....
can i see please :nopics:
You men really need to up your game a bit if you want to 'banter'! Gaylander was sooooo ooh, er yesterday!

Can't be bothered to quote.... Yawn...

This is a dog/picking up/shooting car, not my pride and joy, so please forgive me for not having to need to be on here day and night... I am only bothered about it when it's not working!! Like most people! I don't feel the need to post about it, post pics when it's covered in mud and blood, or when it's just had a clean.. Because, I prefer not to live my life online!
i think he can ,i was referring to what banter seems acceptable

When I see you comment on whether anti immigrant/tree hugger/muslim/unemployed/pikey banter is acceptable I'll take you seriously....

Until then try and have a sense of humour :)

WSR's all right in my book, I don't really care whether he's a Merkin or not and he probably doesn't care what I think anyway......

I rarely do :p
You men really need to up your game a bit if you want to 'banter'! Gaylander was sooooo ooh, er yesterday!

Can't be bothered to quote.... Yawn...

This is a dog/picking up/shooting car, not my pride and joy, so please forgive me for not having to need to be on here day and night... I am only bothered about it when it's not working!! Like most people! I don't feel the need to post about it, post pics when it's covered in mud and blood, or when it's just had a clean.. Because, I prefer not to live my life online!
Oh :(

Well at least on the plus side you can advertise your stuff now! :)
You men really need to up your game a bit if you want to 'banter'! Gaylander was sooooo ooh, er yesterday!

Can't be bothered to quote.... Yawn...

This is a dog/picking up/shooting car, not my pride and joy, so please forgive me for not having to need to be on here day and night... I am only bothered about it when it's not working!! Like most people! I don't feel the need to post about it, post pics when it's covered in mud and blood, or when it's just had a clean.. Because, I prefer not to live my life online!

I don't post pics of my Landy covered in blood either, city folk have no understanding about what a pest cyclists are..... :eek::behindsofa:
You men really need to up your game a bit if you want to 'banter'! Gaylander was sooooo ooh, er yesterday!

Can't be bothered to quote.... Yawn...

This is a dog/picking up/shooting car, not my pride and joy, so please forgive me for not having to need to be on here day and night... I am only bothered about it when it's not working!! Like most people! I don't feel the need to post about it, post pics when it's covered in mud and blood, or when it's just had a clean.. Because, I prefer not to live my life online!
So, you pick up dog poo in it and then you shoot it when it's full up. That makes sense for a disposable car. I'll back off.
I actually don't think I'll bother now! Lol! Thanks for the brief entertainment GENTLEmen

Ooooo such a minx

Getting us all excited and then flouncing (can wimminis flounce or is that just Bolly?) off :Cry:
I actually don't think I'll bother now! Lol! Thanks for the brief entertainment GENTLEmen
Ah go on.. ;)

Look there's a few of those beastly northerners on here I know but I'm from Suffolk so I'm really friendly, polite, well mannered and quite gallant.. in fact I'm an all-round eligible knight in shining armour! Ask anyone! :D
Ah go on.. ;)

Look there's a few of those beastly northerners on here I know but I'm from Suffolk so I'm really friendly, polite, well mannered and quite gallant.. in fact I'm an all-round eligible knight in shining armour! Ask anyone! :D

I know she said she enjoyed 'brief' entertainment but she'll surely want to at least notice :eek::D
Ah go on.. ;)

Look there's a few of those beastly northerners on here I know but I'm from Suffolk so I'm really friendly, polite, well mannered and quite gallant.. in fact I'm an all-round eligible knight in shining armour! Ask anyone! :D

My hobby surrounds me with the worst examples of 'men', I am more than capable of shutting them down as and when I see fit! A female in a mood with a shotgun in her hands is not a female you would want to have 'banter' with first thing in the morning! Lol This banter has been mild, but entertaining none the less..
My hobby surrounds me with the worst examples of 'men', I am more than capable of shutting them down as and when I see fit! A female in a mood with a shotgun in her hands is not a female you would want to have 'banter' with first thing in the morning! Lol This banter has been mild, but entertaining none the less..
Yay! So all's well that ends well then yes? :) you'll sell your stuff now?

...and come back and see us now & again?


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