
New Member
Any admin online able to help?

Trying to do a post in parts & accessories but unable to?

Thanks in advance
Read the rules...then shout about the injustices of life for another 7 posts...then you will be able to sell whatever tat you desire.... :D
You need 50 constructive posts to put items in 'for sales and wanteds' The stickies at the top of each section are usually worth a quick look :)
You must have 50 posts or more to post in that section. Yell at Freelaner some more and thank me profusely a couple of times and you'll get there soon enough.
Thanks for the help, and the kind pm's!

Greenlaner - get a life. Mine is BUSY, hence not having time to read 'rules'. Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of your life on my thread.
Greenlaner, can't you do better than that? Come on! I have posts to rack up! At least make it entertaining....
Thanks for the help, and the kind pm's!

Greenlaner - get a life. Mine is BUSY, hence not having time to read 'rules'. Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of your life on my thread.

Greenlaner, can't you do better than that? Come on! I have posts to rack up! At least make it entertaining....

I have no comment to make in reply to these posts....

I just feel it would be a shame to lose them when I delete them :D

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