The cameras are already set up for pay per mile, apparently.
No they ain't. To do that they would need to invest a lot of money in software. Currently they see an image and they're able to read a reg plate from it. They tranfer the data to a main office for further processing. Data logged and checked they pay for tgat day or fine sent out.

The current layout of camera positions catches you in general, travelling within the ulez area. It would require a lot more software to clock difference in mileage between each camera yer caught by, in time/date order, to log yer travels then charge you for distance. It wouln'd be reliable as its catching the minimum travel only. Said software has not been put in place on the ulez system. They ain't even paid for it to be created.

I said somewhere on another fred some time ago mileage charging would be done via mileage at mot's.
No they ain't. To do that they would need to invest a lot of money in software. Currently they see an image and they're able to read a reg plate from it. They tranfer the data to a main office for further processing. Data logged and checked they pay for tgat day or fine sent out.

The current layout of camera positions catches you in general, travelling within the ulez area. It would require a lot more software to clock difference in mileage between each camera yer caught by, in time/date order, to log yer travels then charge you for distance. It wouln'd be reliable as its catching the minimum travel only. Said software has not been put in place on the ulez system. They ain't even paid for it to be created.

I said somewhere on another fred some time ago mileage charging would be done via mileage at mot's.
Depends what you read and where, unless you have inside knowledge of such things?
Depends what you read and where, unless you have inside knowledge of such things?
I have insight into engineering as opposed to lunacy.

Its a bit like the myths of the nhs tracking app, which would do all sorts like capture you for tax avoidance. Many on ere were fooled by such conspiracies. They gave out the code for peeps to read through to see how the app worked and what it did. But peeps love a conspiracy.

Ulez captures registration and records time and date. Mileage detection requires you to do the above and work out the distance. That could be across 20 camera's or more, in a day. So working out the continued mileage as the next camera is triggered. Only slight problem is they won't know the route. Its a different piece of software and one that would put the price up. Its different siftware to average speed camera's.

The ulez software will have automatic features to only charge/fine each registration once per day if detected. It will also flag up pic's of registrations it can't read, for human intervention. It will also provide stat's on detection rates per camera. That way they would know if a camera was working as opposed to pointing at the sky. All basic features of a ulez type systen that a competant engineer could draft out in 5 minutes. As young pirky would say: its not rocket science.

Compare the complexity of the above to recording mileage at time of mot. Difference between this years reading and last year. Easy to do as the mot tester has to enter the data in the mot software. Charge based on miles done. Or simply double the cost of tyres to collect more tax. Now think about the hundreds of million plus, to put camera's everywhere across london and greater london. Not to mention the rest of the country.
I have insight into engineering as opposed to lunacy.

Its a bit like the myths of the nhs tracking app, which would do all sorts like capture you for tax avoidance. Many on ere were fooled by such conspiracies. They gave out the code for peeps to read through to see how the app worked and what it did. But peeps love a conspiracy.

Ulez captures registration and records time and date. Mileage detection requires you to do the above and work out the distance. That could be across 20 camera's or more, in a day. So working out the continued mileage as the next camera is triggered. Only slight problem is they won't know the route. Its a different piece of software and one that would put the price up. Its different siftware to average speed camera's.

The ulez software will have automatic features to only charge/fine each registration once per day if detected. It will also flag up pic's of registrations it can't read, for human intervention. It will also provide stat's on detection rates per camera. That way they would know if a camera was working as opposed to pointing at the sky. All basic features of a ulez type systen that a competant engineer could draft out in 5 minutes. As young pirky would say: its not rocket science.

Compare the complexity of the above to recording mileage at time of mot. Difference between this years reading and last year. Easy to do as the mot tester has to enter the data in the mot software. Charge based on miles done. Or simply double the cost of tyres to collect more tax. Now think about the hundreds of million plus, to put camera's everywhere across london and greater london. Not to mention the rest of the country.
Informative reply.
Regardless I don't do many miles so probably better off, happy days.
Mileage charging if thats the futrure would probably be on annual mileage declarations (MOTs, service) or perhaps on trunk roads where the cameras can monitor the entry / exit of a car through a section
I can't see how they can get it to work using ANPR in cities
Alternatively they can transition new cars onto pay per mile using the GPS
Whatever they do it will be hopelessly complex compared to existing system of gas revenue and banded taxation
Should imagine they will still do that aswell, never miss an opportunity for another tax

Probably. I think when they looked at the lost revenue it had a bearing on pushing the ICE ban back to 2035
Their ideal solution would be everyone gets a black box, cyclists too
Mileage charging if thats the futrure would probably be on annual mileage declarations (MOTs, service) or perhaps on trunk roads where the cameras can monitor the entry / exit of a car through a section
I can't see how they can get it to work using ANPR in cities
Alternatively they can transition new cars onto pay per mile using the GPS
Whatever they do it will be hopelessly complex compared to existing system of gas revenue and banded taxation
Have to stick it on the fuel but then we all suffer higher prices in the shops
Can't see road pricing working to cut emissions,
We need to cut air miles, far too many planes polluting the atmosphere
We need to clean up rail and shipping emissions
Lastly, wars create too much pollution so peace in the world would definitely help us all
Now that Heathrow airport is in the ULEZ zone it adds £25 to the already exorbitant parking charge if I'm away for more than a day.
This means a taxi is significantly cheaper so unless the taxi is electric - unlikely due to range - there will be two very slightly less polluting journeys rather than a single one.
Much as I would like to drive something less polluting if I buy something a bit newer (post 2000) and in my budget my road tax will double...

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