You could still sleep kids inside by making load barrier hinge in middle , lean 2nd row seats forward. and hinged top of load barrier forms base of top end of bed JAT :)
something like this


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Nope - nice as they are - really don't like the idea of adding trailer. would really like to remain compact ie vehicle dependancy only. Or am I really just displaying my complete naivety here. Nice tents though.
Would like to try to travel as compactly as possible. Feel trailer might slow us down/add complexity to travel. Anyone know anything about these roof tents that many use? Any experiences anyone? Views on using roof oppossed to trailer? - assume robust roof rack will be pre-requisite - we have a rack but looks a bit lightweight.
T2Man - re: load barrier - folding down - would this mean would have to site fridge elsewhere (currently centre of 2nd row seats being considered)?
rooftop tents are pretty good....easy to install, easy to erect and fold away, and i know that here in SA, we get either two or four man tents. I personally would not embark on a trip suck as you are considering without a trailer. More packing storage.....your landy wont be overloaded. you are already talking about compromising comfort for a fridge. You will end up overloading yer landy, which will lead to a stability on the road issue, which means you are going to have to consider uprated suspension, which is going to lead to an uncomfortably hard ride......
I personally load up my trailer and carry necessitys in my landy, going for passenger comfort, and this is only if i am going up to my farm, about a six hour drive. you are talking of weeks behind the wheel mate.
Cassie I don't want to **** on your bonfire. But having read through your posts. It seems to me that your ambitions and dreams are far in advance of your abilities and experience. This isn't a an extended greenlaning trip your planning. This is a dangerous and potentially life threatening expedition. My advice would be to book a 4x4 safari/holiday to somewhere like morrocco and get a feel for just what your letting yourself in for. Apart from the logistics (which can be overcome) you are planning to drive through contries that hate westerners and in particular English & Americans. where banditary and kidnap are everyday occurrences and where the Foreign Office are advising people to either not travel at all or if they do go then not to go alone and to stay on well travelled highways. I think you need to seriously consider whether you have the skills and experience to complete this journey.
:( harsh words, but i have to agree.

you need to test yourself and your equipment on a shorter (4week) overland trip before embarking on such an adventure. esp. as a solo vehicle.

im surprised you have not considered a roof tent before. they remove the need to find suitable camp spots, can be put up in under 1minute, give you plenty of space in the back of your 110 and you can keep your pillows, sleeping bags in the tent when its folded away! i love mine, even though ive only used it a handfull of times.

disadvantages are that they are heavy and put alot of your weight uptop. also initially expensive but they do hold their value.

Sorry for the rant in advance.........
Despite being a complete novice I am not deterred about travel plan. I have thought long and hard about it and also the relevant safety aspects. This is not something dreamt up overnight, even months - rather something that's been on my mind for a number of years (20 to be precise) but finance and other issues - u know how it goes - I'm sure understood by many. Appreciate the dangers (plus risk v reward etc.) - fact is - I have one shot at this financially (still saving) and in the window of available time to suit my family. Use it or lose it is for me the issue and to do it while I've still got the b*lls (and of course health of family - one life and all that!). So - I am not deterred and rather than ****ing on my parade (which your not - need to keep it real) - support and help to 'make this happen'. Borders and crossings issues and arising unrest within countries is nothing new. Will have to wait until nearer the time to determine definate route better - and even this may change on the way - realise all of that! Part of the challenge/danger/fun.
For the record as I'm sure you already know - there are many vehicles passing through dangerous territories - constantly doing UK to OZ route - particulalrly in the last couple of years. My plan is to join convoy/s (hence plenty of pre-planning and contacts at key points - not travelling solo at exposed points - not completely silly!)
Off-roading skills and vehicle handling - - basic level already booked beginning May plus a series of trips beginning end May (starting UK - 1st and 2nd already booked and building experience gradually to 2 x 2 weeks and 2 x 4-6 weeks trips abroad.
D) Have thought about roof tent many times - just seems to be a lack of info - determined to try not to make too many expensive mistakes in my purchases thats all - I know I'm going to make some - but need some cash left to actually to the trip once rectified all the purchasing errors I'm sure I'm likely to make. Have huge ground tent meantime but not happy as a) groud based b) not hardy c) not easy to erect quickly/effieciently.
Meantime - thank you for keeping it realistic - feel free to keep my feet on the ground - anytime! It's what I need to ensure I don't miss anything. My last note on the matter - 'we've all gotta start somewhere'.
E) Noted about being on the road for months and preference for trailer - thanks for that and thanks.
you see that makes it all much clearer now. Perhaps a little more info at the start would have made it easier to filter out unnecessary info like mine. Definately go for the rooftent, some models have extentions that reach to ground at rear of vehicle giving an enclosed cooking/ seating area. Your biggest worry security wise would be the russo/muslim states and your close proximity to Afganistan if you don't go through china.

In terms of increased storage I would remove the 2nd row seat, replace with 2 single seats and fit a fridge and storage box in the gap where the centre seat should go. this would also give the kids something to use as a table whilst in the vehicle. As well as keeping them apart if they decide to have a fight whilst your driving.
Redhand - Thanks for your tips re: 2nd row fridge and seats - this mimics T2Man response to my earlier postings - good to get more than one agreement on this option. Thought it a great added benefit re: keeping the children apart (stop them killing each other en-route!).
Now to decide on the actual fridge - decisions, decisions - got to be an Engel I think. But which size/specification? Need to go and have a look at some in more detail. Not cheap either but look worthy from reviews I've seen and heard.
Re: borders and crossings - as not departing till April 2010 - will come back and lambast everyone probably this time 2009 for more info. Will continue doing some back-ground homework meantime. Have viewed lots of travel blogs, personal travel web sites and embassy web links. But thanks - will keep note of what you've said meantime and if anyone has any tips - keep them coming (just mindful that LR zone) or can PM me.
Major milestone and focus for me right now is vehicle and learning everything I need to know - which is absolutely loads and in such a diversity of skill. Top of my list of purchases ( (in time for my first excursion end May - plus I've been dying to buy something) are the high back 2nd row seats - bench seats currently fitted are uncomfortable for kids and unsuitable - painful to watch even though in their car seats. Need for the long-haul (even short haul!) so definately not a lost purchase. Decided not to go for reclining option but those that can fold forward as would be lost on load-barrier eventually. Might even go for a 2nd row middle seat meantime while waiting to decide on fridge spec. 2nd thoughts - Nope - waste of pennies - may as well wait till decided on fridge and purchase and fit both together, in time for end May.
Delighted about info re: roof tent - am going to investigate further - Nene o/land website seem to have a specialist section which I'll check out in first instance :D . Thanks.
Additional views on fridge impact re: overloading vehicle, weight, compromising comfort appreciated.
I opt for fridge - 2nd row, middle seat - don't believe would have an issue with comfort as a result but what about weight, impact to vehicle - does it drag it down, cause more vehicle resource to be used. I thought split charge on a smaller battery would deal with this?
engel MT45 40litre fridge is what you want. the 35 will be too small...

£435 from MPS 4x4 with 3year warrenty, speak to simon, top chap.

Re frig, load on vehicle , electrical irrelavent when driving , when on second battery if reasonable battery should be OK overnight depending on ambient . This is one reason for split charge. weight of frig compensated for by removal of centre seat.
Land rovers always have operated at max or slightly more on expedetion type travel due to the logistics involved you are always fighting weight of ''necessities'' . your 110 weight will probably work out OK as a lot of load space will be lost to carrying two children. available space /load density ratio :)

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