The IRD bracket is an easy job as is the tie bar!! The tie bar bush is a common problem normaly due to PS fluid softening them on almost anything rover to be honest but they are easy to change and as they race some of the MG's there are heavy duty polyurathane bushes available for less than the LR replacements !!
Ah thanks for that :D! I'll call him first thing and ask (politely) if he wouldn't mind letting me know exactly what needs to be done before he goes ahead. I may decide to have a go myself - after paying him for the checkup of course :).

I'm not sure how mechanics feel about acting as a car Doctor, hopefully it's ok. Seemed ike a reasonable chap who is clearly used to DIY guys so hopefully he wouldn't be offended.
Hurray all fixed! One of the brackets was loose and the bush needed packing out - though a PU one is on the cards for the future. And all for the sum of £20, result!! Quiet as a mouse and smooth as butter now - and boy does it pull!!

So yeh, add that to the list of possible causes for the Freelander clonk.


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