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I just ordered some EBC green stuff pads and disks (drilled and grooved) and they have sent me vented disks i now need to change my calipers?

does anyone know if the caliper conversion kits are any good.

or should i buy calipers designed for vented disks and does anyone recomend any makes, what and where i can buy them from.

Many Thanks
Paradoxically I think yu shud have given it a bit more thought before buying stuff.:eek:

why didnt yu buy an upgrade kit?
why dont you ask the supplier to change the disks or supply the calipers to suit?
why didnt you ask these questions before buying the stuff?
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\
good point, however I've fitted Disco 200 TDi calipers to my 90 and it stops a treat, a little too well for the tyres to be honest
The website had a checking system which automatically select the right product ! !

but i know vented disk are better which i why i ask for sujestions if they are no good calipers that make a big differnece i wont bother and i will send em back and get them replaced with non vented
ask ya supplier - especially if "The website had a checking system which automatically select the right product !".

Rimmer do 4pot calipers for vented disks.
Y yes, yes i am slightly mad :p

the brakes with the bigger tyres are scarily rubbish no real bite to them plus my pads are worn so i thought i would treat myself and hopefully i might live longer and when people for some stupid reason pull out in front of me they might live longer too
Hi Richard

Late June when I was last in the UK i called by at Paddocks to get one of their Brake kits (disc / pad combos) in my case at the time for a p38 Rangerover (although in the past i have had their defener kits too).

The disks that were on were dished rather than grooved and i really want to keep any eye on how much wear took place as the brake`s condition were the product of the previous owner
at the time Paddocs asked if i needed drill / grooved or a harder compound on the pad.
having had harder compunds on previous non LR vehicles (minis) i declined

As i only wanted to replace I just took their standard Front & rear packs

Fitting was a walk-in-the-park on a p38 (a little more effort on a defender I remember)

Point iam trying to make - the std RR breaking setup can stop a little more weight than a std defender & so would suggest just replace the std Disk / pad combo with std new parts - that should in most cases stop any sweaty moments. avoid the hard pad combos as if you really are "driving on the limit" you are not going to avoid brake fade.

happy trails & Sharper Stopping

I too was thinking of upgrading my rear brakes (1984 110), but I have 2 considerations - firstly, my tyres are off road types, so as has been mentioned, very effective brakes would probably increase the likelihood of skids induced by overbraking (they're not wildly effective tyres on the road anyway!), also, even though in fact the brakes would be more modern and more efficient, I have a feeling its certainly a notifiable alteration as far as insurance is concerned and thus an excuse to charge me more...
For whats its worth

I agree with the brake lock up point . i have done it a few times until i learnt better.

If anyone has driven a drum brake series - then any inprovement LR did on that is heaven-sent - the drum set-up was a real pain to keep up to optimal braking and anyone who has had to do siezed brake pistons will understand.
Even the braking under load wil a good system - could be a scarry thing!

happy trails

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