
New Member
Hey all
can anyone who has taken part in trials give me a rough idea of what to expect at a TYRO?
You should get absolutly non damaging and very safe offroad trials section to follow. Minimal side slopes (safe) minimal climbs (safe), and minimal decents (safe) possiblily a few tight or hub through 1 gates! (well you do if I lay them out)! tuck you rmirrors in and have fun! There should be very little chance of damaging your motor and any rough bit should have a safe escape route.
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Hi Foss

Tyro Trials are Designed for shiny motors or novice drivers, you can enter these at the age of 13 and keep going until you get bored.

If you have a full Road licence you can enter the RTV, this is a step up from Tyro, with harder climbs and side slopes it makes the days driving that bit more adventurous, all you need to have for an RTV normally are a set of decent off road tyres, a fire extinguisher and a tow rope, also it helps if you don't mind a bit of scratching on the bodywork as some people setting out like to send you into bushes.


Hi Foss

Tyro Trials are Designed for shiny motors or novice drivers, you can enter these at the age of 13 and keep going until you get bored.

If you have a full Road licence you can enter the RTV, this is a step up from Tyro, with harder climbs and side slopes it makes the days driving that bit more adventurous, all you need to have for an RTV normally are a set of decent off road tyres, a fire extinguisher and a tow rope, also it helps if you don't mind a bit of scratching on the bodywork as some people setting out like to send you into bushes.



You sure about the 13 age limit Callum? Thought it was 14 for a tyro. If it is really a year earlier then Kai is going to be a happy bunny!
Hi Ryder

At Peak and Dukeries LRC the age limit is 13 for tyro, I think this is for all ALRC clubs, im not home at the moment so cant look in my green book, my dad reckons its 13 too, he says it used to be 14 but it changed to 13

Hope this helps

I have a young driver who is, at this moment, dancing around the roomin anticipation... never mind the fact that it is still 18 months before his 13th birthday!

I have a young driver who is, at this moment, dancing around the roomin anticipation... never mind the fact that it is still 18 months before his 13th birthday!


LOL, my daughter would be doing the same if I told her she could be driving at 13, OOOOOOO.... one months time, must admit good practce for when thye can take the test......or not.
He drives in any case Stu... it's just the competitive bit he is looking forward to!
Hey Foss where did you go? I've only been to one event like that and it was stunningly good but alas funds have restricted us from doing very much this year.
I rejoined Essex LRC mate....was well organised, nice people...very welcoming.
Next one is 11th December in Sudbury, day into night aswell.Tyro and RTV.
The series 2 or 3 with the seats in the back? she completely wiped the floor with me when i tyro'd against her
The series 2 or 3 with the seats in the back? she completely wiped the floor with me when i tyro'd against her

thats the one, that look like theyre from a Mondeo! Her mum does it also & dad does RTV in it...

I couldnt believe it! She drove lines through gates that I didnt even see!

Fair play...
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Haha, yeah, they are all brilliant drivers too, and as time goes on you'll get to know more lines, ive been tyroing for 2 years now and i can get amazing lines through gates, im 2nd in my clubs championship at the moment, with one more to go, and i love it, if you want to learn lines, try to get in a ccv motor, they teach you lines, i was in a series 1 2 1/4 last weekend and the lines he took were way different to what i was expecting!
This is no excuse but I have to admit that the turning circle on the Disco is SHOCKING!!
I had to shunt in every section!
haha, thats what shunts are for, just be grateful you have one :) they are big old busses the rangies and discos, will you be RTVing or just sticking to tyro's? i think RTV's are easier than a tyro in a LWB
I hate it when somone sets up a cane dodging course. We try and make it drivable in a 109 and use the terrain to stop you although sometimes it is hard on smaller sites

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