
New Member
hi chaps, this question probably been done before but will ask anyway, can i fit 235 85 16 tyres onto my steel 110 wheels, they have 750/16s on at the moment [tubeless] or must i go for wider wheels, thanks, kirk.
dont need a lecture just a straight reply!!! if its no then i will use a set of alloys that i have but i would prefer to use the steels.....
dont need a lecture just a straight reply!!! if its no then i will use a set of alloys that i have but i would prefer to use the steels.....

so helpfull

Your asking a question that has been asked many many times over, do a search and you will find your answer, the sarcasm is peoples way of saying 'stop being a lazy git and have a look yourself', google is your friend here...
well sorry about that, i did ask about springs and greenlanes its true, i didnt realise my questions were stupid but there you go, as far as the intro goes i am truly sorry to have not done that, but if ever any landyzone members are in the area they are more than welcome to pop in my workshop for a cuppa and a chat, many regards, kirk
Hi mate. The tyre thing has been done to death and a good search will show the answers.

Stick the kettle on ! :)
well sorry about that, i did ask about springs and greenlanes its true, i didnt realise my questions were stupid but there you go, as far as the intro goes i am truly sorry to have not done that, but if ever any landyzone members are in the area they are more than welcome to pop in my workshop for a cuppa and a chat, many regards, kirk

You will find this place is a wealth of information but it also has quite a community feel, that's the reason people get ****ed off with the same questions, we have lots of 1 post wonders who come for info then bugger off, it clogs the forums up with the same posts over and over again...

Search, if theres no info or its out of date then post, there are a few individuals on here who know just about everything you could ever want to know...
You own a garage and asking about tyres? Are you the kind of chap that wonders why the header tank took 5 litres then realise you filled the engine with antifreeze?

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