
New Member
My mate has got 2 different size tyres on his Discovery.

Same size on each axle so that it is legal.

He needed 2 front tyres and he bought a pair that are different size from rear,

But he has been told that cause they are different sizes, both width and profile of the tyres. it can damage his transfer box, because it causes the box to wind up or something.

Does anyone know if their is any truth to this,


Thats what I thought but wasnt sure,

But the guy that told him it could cause damage insisted that it would cause damage cause the 2 axles are running at different speeds because of the different size tyres.

I found it hard to believe but wasnt sure.
there is nearly always a diference in size of tyres if you measure them , trans. box is a dif at end of it, yes it will make it work a bit harder but cant see it doing much harm for more info try a pm to james martin as it is his speciality (gearboxes/transmition)
I will pass your thoughts on to him,

Cheers for the replys, very much appreciated.

I personaly wasnt sure if it would cause problems.
In a disco with (lockable) 4wd it wont make much difference at all , a different part of the centre diff will be working a little harder thats all . It will cause more wind up when centre diff locked , but that should only be happening on loose (slippy) surfaces so not much of a factor . Different matter tho on freelander or viscous centre diff R/Rovers .
wot is th size difference?
I dont know to be honest,

I dont think there is that much of a difference, I think the front tyres are off a van or something.

Been trying to get hold of him to find out sizes but no luck getting him.

Appologies for not having the info.
i had a scooby that had rebuind on auto box. i didnt know at time that there was a slight differance on profile to fronts and backs.it kept locking up every now and then,as if diff lock on.so i would run same size if running all time.be differant if you were in crap and needed to do short journey.best be safe.
He has decided to put the same size tyres on all round just incase.

Thanks for all the replys.



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