I did before buying the L322.

Road noise was very slightly increased over the ATs I had before. Wear wise I think I did 5 or 6k with the and there was wear was only really noticeable because of the change in texture / colour as they got older (were brand new). I can't see them lasting anywhere near as long as the ATs (mine on average lasted about 65k+) but I wouldn't be surprised to get 30-40k out of them if purely based on the sheer amount of rubber that has to wear down.

The main thing to point out is that grip on the road deteriorated quite a bit - especially in the wet. There's a fast slip road to join the A3 onto the A31 and I would have said I lost ~10mph in what I felt comfortable taking the corner at (used to be 60 and went down to 50), could do 60 but in terms of grip 50 felt the same as 60 in the ATs.

In the muddy stuff they were awesome although I didn't really have a chance to put them to really good use - I changed because the old ones were knackered and these came up at a price that was too good to pass up. Realistically another set of ATs would have been a better choice.

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