
New Member
Hi ive been looking for a set of tyres for greenlaning. But i dont wont somthing to aggresive as its my daily driver. Would these be any good. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1345315228.471549.jpg
Or would i be better of going for these ImageUploadedByTapatalk1345315791.821211.jpg
But would they be a nightmare on the road? And they are £76 each os that a good price?
Or would i be better of going for these View attachment 34662
But would they be a nightmare on the road? And they are £76 each os that a good price?

those tyres are an 80 / 20 tyre meaning 80% off road and 20% on road tyre.

i have been looking at these tyres aswell and also the insa turbo sahara's both are an 80 / 20 tyre my bro used to have the insa turbo sahara's new on his s11a swb and his wife used it for going to work and back 6 days a week and he used it every sunday for off roading / greenlaning and they took ages and ages to wear down, at the same time i had a set of kingpin hilanders on my s11a swb ( diamond patten ) still an 80 / 20 tyre but i only used mine at weekends for short trips to my then gfriends and the odd sunday off roading / greenlaning and they where only at there best for the first 7ish thousend miles but where pretty good on road even in the wet and so are the insa turbo sahara's but not sure about the other tyre you are looking at as i have never used them so can't coment on them, hope this helps :)
sorry i forgot to mention the kingpin hilanders where a better off road tyre than the insa turbo sahara's but the same on road as the insa's :)
Hi ive been looking for a set of tyres for greenlaning. But i dont wont somthing to aggresive as its my daily driver. Would these be any good. View attachment 34660

Are they for the Dakars? They are ok for the road. I haven't noticed any series noise at speed. I have 205/80s on my series. I haven't used them off road yet.

I think the special tracks and the saharas will be a bit loud for every day use. Special tracks will certainly be loud on the road.
Hi thanx i think im going to go for thr kingpins. Is £63 each a tidy price?

yeah sounds like a good price think i paid £50 for mine from paddocks but that was about 6 years ago now, where are you getting them from as i don't think paddocks are selling the kingpin range anymore the kingpin hilanders where a copy of the colway diamonds i think they where called but they where double the price :eek:

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