The strange wear is on the rear? I thought we were talking about the front.

Cannot think what is under the rear. There's a rear panhard rod but I thought that was more side-to-side movement?

Maybe you're just going around roundabouts too fast?!
Strange isn't it?

If it was speed at roundabout would be nearside but this is offside rear.

Will have a look tomorrow when the new ones are fitted to see if anything is off.

Thing is, it's only the offside rear outside edge, everything else is fine.
Is it possible the wheels at the front are facing straight forward but sort of offset ever so slightly to one side causing a slight crabbing? Is the nearside rear wearing on the inside edge?

Could you even set it up that way?

Where're the gurus?!
Sounds like its time to get the ball of string and blocks of wood out to check the alignment the old fashioned cheep way.
Nope, just offside rear outer edge is scrubbing, all other tyres are perfect with no weird wear at all.

Both getting replaced tomorrow..but would be nice to know what's going on so I don't wreck a new one!
sounds like positive camber wear not toe in/out issues,poss bushes/springs etc.if the tyre is "cupping" then something is bent.
So you reckon bushes?
sorry dom no only a suggestion as impossible to say without seeing the tyre/vehicle etc could literally be really need it checking/setting up on a hunter hawkeye
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Well, new tyres are on. Feels a lot better. Was thinking of ....kwikfit or farmers to get alignment rechecked/done. I know, I know.

There is a guy in town who does alignment etc for performance cars but he's booked 40 years in advance. :(
Had it on hawkeye today..and it's within all tolerances.

Could be tweaked, sure, but it's all looking fine.

I'm gonna put it down to dodgy tyres and keep an eye on these new ones.


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