I reckon, and always have, that repeat offenders should "disappear" one night - never to be seen again. If they are repeat offenders then to me that shows they never learn or have no regard for their victims and so are not worthy of a place in our society. Age should be no defence either.

I totally agree, get rid of the mindless lowlife dead beats.
Sorry that link was for Northern Ireland :doh:

There are loads of links out there, e.g.:
Victim Support » Compensation

Unfortunately I have a bit of experience in this area, from when my car was broken into and every window smashed to bits, glovebox ripped off, stereo half hanging out from where they failed to nick it (but gouged the centre pannel to ****) ...

The courts will only order them to pay compensation if the criminal scum can "reasonably afford to pay it", and as most scumbag crims are on benefits poor diddum Lil Johnny McScrotey cant afford to pay any compo (but can afford fags booz & drugs!) you wont get a penny.

Thankfully the police actually caught the guy who did it, so my insurance company refunded me the excess fee for making a vandalism & glass claim and went after him for the cost, but it still put my insurance up for the next year as Id made a claim :mad:
If you can't get compensation make sure you get a name and address
If you can't get compensation make sure you get a name and address

When the coppers caught the guys that broke into our car, I didn't want to find out who they were and where they lived, 'cos I didn't want a criminal record as well as being out of pocket !
If you can't get compensation make sure you get a name and address
+1, and then issue a county court summons for your costs plus exemplary damages, you might not get much but sending in the court bailifs is fun:)
Dont know about compensation, well see mate.

Local tyre fitters are coming to the house to do the job on Monday so I thought that is good service.

2 x Pirelli Scorpion STR's on the rear for £216 fitted - can't afford all four at the moment, hope I get something back but not building any hopes up.

Makes one wonder if the little sh!t is in custody, then the parents are known, can they be approached by Police to pay up for damages if under the age?
Makes one wonder if the little sh!t is in custody, then the parents are known, can they be approached by Police to pay up for damages if under the age?
Yeah, all three were caught on cctv, the police have the footage and have got them all, I doubt if they are in custody unless they have previous. I dont know if I should say anymore as with the recent FB and Twitter warnings about court cases being jeopardised.
Sorry to all that have been through suchlike - there are far worse things that happen than this, as some of you have mentioned.
I've had an XR2 nicked before - found abandoned in a farmers field and an Astra nicked for a ride home and found burnt out 17 miles away - that was in the 80's ...all to my own insurance costs - at least they were caught this time.
Luckily cars are hard to steal these days, what with the imobilizers fitted but it doesn't stop the mindless vandalism that seems to be everywhere these days. The courts just aren't hard enough. There parents should be made to pay in full for any damage caused. If they are on benefits then the benefits should be sanctioned until the innocent party is repaid in full.
Bring back hard labour and turn the Isle of Wight into a penal colony. Bugger all else use for it... and with the price of the ferry, no bugger will be able to escape!
I've installed an alarm in my Series truck

I used to have a German Sheppard he would not have let anybody in the car I could have left it open all day .and yesterday I went upto the local LR dealers and there was a range rover there with three Dobermans in it and if you went within 3 yards of it they were all scratching at the windows trying to get me , thank god they did not get out
Dogs going mental like that make a hell of a mess of the car though. Mine's deaf and almost blind so not much use really....

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