Jammy. A larger wheel size will knock out the speedo. My Lecturer told me. Remember Pi. You learnt it at school.

As you want to believe you no what your chattin tell me, what is the correct maths needed to work out my speed? ;)

Funny eh Jammy? You don't half get knocked in here. Laffin'

Um yes I must agree it really does seem that way doesn't it, oddly enough though so do you (is it spreadable)!! :rolleyes:

let me clear up this problem.

1, if you increase the rolling radius of a tyre (with a Y because we are using ENGLISH) the speedo reading will drop for a given speed I.E if you are doing 70 actual speed your speedo will read less than 70 (due to the increased gear ratio works the same if you put high ratio diffs in your axles)

2, millertime you are a ****
Wots an "In" Frak" "Shun". Like an infection? Summit you catch in LRZ. Or is it just the "F" Word? Get a load of Hybrid. LOL. Are you fat?
Wots an "In" Frak" "Shun". Like an infection? Summit you catch in LRZ. Or is it just the "F" Word? Get a load of Hybrid. LOL. Are you fat?

if she was fat she could go on a diet and that would cure the problem but you'll always be a brain dead ****ing prick
Aah it's the weekend again.

I know this because?

They've let Millertwit out again.

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