Bummer if you have one 5.5, but it should be obvious as its an inch thinner. Numbers can be confusing as they can denote the same wheel but sold as metric. worth trawling e-bay as a single wheel may be a reasonble price. when I got my Series it had mis-matched wheels and tyres, got a Defender set off e-bay - wheels and decent tyres for £ 95 and got 4 years out of them. Tyres were starting to perish so that's when I went for 6.5J wheels and new tyres.
I'm not 100% sure, it's bloody hard to read the text on the wheel. I'll grab some pictures tomorrow. it wasn't obvious to me as i've not noticed for a couple years! Doesn't look any different physically at all. Looks identical to all other wheels.

Does it matter a whole lot?

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