Just a brief update on this. I finally got around to taking the landy to a mechanic who knows his stuff. Turns out that the front/centre rear diff brush is damaged (although not quite at the end of its usefulness). So it WASN'T a VCU issue after all. Have had this put back on the car and VCU/drive seems ok. Cheers
That sounds good. Sounds like you've found someone who knows what they're doing.

Have you done the "1 wheel up test" on the VCU just to make sure its OK? (its in that new owners test link above).

Just as an aside, I don't know what the others think, but the next time you have the car serviced it might be worth your while asking for the IRD oil to be changed - ask the garage to note whether the old oil looks OK and what colour it is. This, together with the 1 wheel up test, will give you peace of mind that everything is OK and healthy.
Hi, since that post I did then have a problem with a loss of power over 60/70 mph.........seems I may have to check the VCU as suggested. Thanks
I'm still not sure that the VCU is the right place to look? Do the OWU test as recommended - that'll give you the reassurance (or otherwise) regarding the health of the VCU. But this problem has a flavor of fueling or ignition about it...

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