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there wipe boards not white boards

No white boards. I'm waiting for an Elephant to complain about the name of a Jumbo jet. And an air Jamaican airliner to complain about Jet black paint. But they have no need to, some PC prick with nothing better to do will do it for them. :D:D
No white boards. I'm waiting for an Elephant to complain about the name of a Jumbo jet. And an air Jamaican airliner to complain about Jet black paint. But they have no need to, some PC prick with nothing better to do will do it for them. :D:D

I hope thats not being sexist, Wambo?
When I ran 38 in the rear the centre band wore out faster than the condom supply in a French brothel.

Sorry, I'm a bit of a yooff. What is a chalk test?

Draw a line across the width the the tyre (any colour :rolleyes: )Drive it on dry tarmac (that bit might be tricky) 20-30 yrds is plenty.

If the chalk worn off the centre but not the edges the pressure is too high and vicky verky.

Bit of playing around and you can work out the optimum pressures for your vehicle under different load conditions
Draw a line across the width the the tyre (any colour :rolleyes: )Drive it on dry tarmac (that bit might be tricky) 20-30 yrds is plenty.

If the chalk worn off the centre but not the edges the pressure is too high and vicky verky.

Bit of playing around and you can work out the optimum pressures for your vehicle under different load conditions

Ohh, coolio. I'll have to see if my niece left some chalk floating around after her last visit.

Thanks muchly.
I think in the PC world you have to mention everybody who could possible be involved. Otherwise it is discrimination. How the hell did some people get to being so stupid? :mad:

ok to all the paki's chinks spiks turks half casts and blacks this post is for you sorry if i missed anyone:p
I think in the PC world you have to mention everybody who could possible be involved. Otherwise it is discrimination. How the hell did some people get to being so stupid? :mad:

I found PC World to be a very dissapointing theme park. Next year I'll stick to Flamingo Land.
With 255/55/18 I run then at 34 psi all round and it's perfect, they are general grabber at2 though but can't see that making a differance
That's great until some stroppy git from VOSA pulls you over and fines you for running under manufacturers recommended pressures. :D:D
They did have a lot of curry stalls and in their credit they did have fantastic disability access.

Seems you have failed to grasp the difference between "PC World" and "PC world" one is descriptive of a trade name, the other descriptive of a load of over self important, interfering, pompous arseholes.:D:D

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