
After fitting an Anderson connector under the bonnet I went to fit a connector to my twin pump compressor to find it's been nicked in the last week.

When I bought it the Tmax were all the rage but having a look tonight it seems their quality might not be that great.

So what would you recommend I replace my stolen one with?

Appreciate your thoughts on this peeps
OK guys, Let me rephrase my questions now I've done a bit more research.

I think my old compressor was one of the unbadged twin versions like the Britpart ones.

I'm considering the Ring RAC900
Has anyone got one of these and would recommend it.

If there is an alternative and reliable unit around the 100 quid mark I'd be interested to hear about your experiences.

I'm not afraid to spend to get quality but when I bought mine the TMax was THE one to get, but more recent reviews I've read on here since suggest the great reviews were premature.

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