
Active Member
Got my new tyres on my lannie a while back but going to get rid of my old (near-bald) tyre.
So I rolled down to the local tip to be told:

"We don't take them anymore, landfill won't accept them off us!"

So I asked him where they hell do you take tyres if the very place they expect you to get rid of your stuff won't take them.
He shrugged and said a tyre place would but they'll charge you!


Anyone found this with their local tips?
Both the ones in Yeovil have a tyre skip. As do the ones in Hull. limit is 5 tyres at a time. Which seems fair. Seems your council is penny pinching and avoiding their responsibilities. A letter to ya local councillors and MP's and one to the local newsrag might tip the balance and get them to wake up to the 21st century.
Both the ones in Yeovil have a tyre skip. As do the ones in Hull. limit is 5 tyres at a time. Which seems fair. Seems your council is penny pinching and avoiding their responsibilities. A letter to ya local councillors and MP's and one to the local newsrag might tip the balance and get them to wake up to the 21st century.

is any wonder there is so much fly tipping going on .
even if they do take um they give you so much hassle just incourages peeps to just dump it in a farmers lane :mad:
Fill it with compost and plant salad leaves , they will be ready to pick in about two weeks.
Fill it with compost and plant salad leaves , they will be ready to pick in about two weeks.

Or use em as a potato stack. plant spuds in one and keep adding tyres and soil as the spuds start to grow. You'll be amazed ghow many spuds you can grow in 4 Landy tyres.
hire a chipper and make some friendly play area matting. or stick a scaffy poll in the ground and play HOOPS:D
Two old tyres and a bit of old wood for a top and you've got yourself a coffee table. Or they're good for frightening chickens.
couple of old tyres, a bale of straw and a gallon of doozil and you can get anything burning well.
Big old metal oil drum, take top off, chuck a tyre in, chuck a bit of doozel in, chuck some petrol in to get doozel going and keep piling the crap in - waste disposal made easy - never need to go to the tip again.

Or make the tyres into a plant pot, either way.

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