
Active Member
I have just been notified of this:
’TWO DALES', aka 'Back Lane, Darley Dale'.

A claim dated 3 November 2005 was received by the County Council (to define Back Lane as a BOAT)...
On 19 December 2012 the County Council consulted various groups and individuals ...

This Monday, 27 July meeting will be the first airing of the Legal Services Report prepared following the consultation.
The recommendation is that the sourthern end of the route (which includes the narrow and heavily eroded section) is classed as a Bridleway, while the northern section (starting as the tarmac Butchers Lane, leading onto a tarmac section feeding several properties, and terminating as a natural surfaced section through woods) is classed as a BOAT.
This is another iconic lane in the Peak District under threat.
If you have 'feelings' that the recommendation is wrong, the first thing to do is download and read the report:

http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/images/2015-07-27 BOAT Darley Dale_tcm44-267879.pdf

If anyone wishes to attend the meeting, (10:00-11:00-ish), which is open to the public, the address is
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Looks like another route is going to be gone after reading that report, Will only be play & pay sites left soon :(
I am confused.. this is a road going to a BOAT ?

So what's the difference it can still be driven. If anything it will get more traffic as nutters looking for MUD get their OS maps out and search for BOATS.
Think its going from a BOAT to a bridleway. When I first read it I was thinking same as you Eric, unless I've read it wrong!
not good at all, they plan to make the bottom a bridleway sadly.. Hopefully not as its my favourite lane of all time!
Well everyone, you'll not be surprised that apathy ruled.
I went to the DCC meeting, with one other person. Period. Two of us showing 'our' view against the proposal. Despite a presentation being given against the proposal, the whole mass of us two could not stop the proposal against approx 18 council members representing the interests of the locals.

Big surprise - DCC voted unanimously that the best bit of Two Dales will be made a bridleway. Subject to any objections when the Order is posted, (let's hope there are some to delay the process), this will be off limit to us in a couple of months. Otherwise, it will be a bridleway in a few weeks.

To those on here that use the Peak and rant against closures I say thank you very much. Your support was noticeable. By its absence.

That's my rant over with. My final post on this particular subject, I will not be commenting further on this matter.
Sorry i couldn't make it dave as I was working:(
Such a shame its come to the dcc only being intersested in 1 particular user group, lets hope for the vilages sakes just having walkers as tourists in the petrol stations/pubs/shops is enough for the vilages to survive on because usualy they come in on a bus and bring there own sandwiches with em.........then leave the rubbish on a lane!
Not supprised 1 bit, it will just create more illegal lane usage, and maybe not the correct thing to say right now but I cant blame em some times!
Corrupt to the core!
Never driven it before (or any green lane in Peaks) but it's always a blow to hear stuff like this. Makes me wonder if there was any point in buying a landy!!
If I haddent been at work, I would have come a long. That lane is a good one and it will be sorely missed.
As a whole, everyone needs to start pulling together....myself included to stop this in the future!

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