
New Member
Just in case anyone saw a thieving tw** driving near Cannock Chase yesterday morning after 9.45am. (or anywhere since).
It was parked in the busiest part of Birches Valley forest center car park whilst I took my lad and his mate biking round the trails for 3 hours, got back and there it was - gone!
Apart from all the goodies shown below it only had one rear mudflap which is an easy spot.
Colour is Stornaway Grey.
Any info would be fantastic.
Any security devices, other than a factory steering column lock??

That is so pointlessly unhelpful :doh: it doesn't matter what it had on it its gone!

He doesn't need to be asked what security it has on it just for people to put the word out and keep an eye open!

We have a security thread already
That is so pointlessly unhelpful :doh: it doesn't matter what it had on it its gone!

He doesn't need to be asked what security it has on it just for people to put the word out and keep an eye open!

We have a security thread already

:doh::doh: Doc if security devices are being breached, and others have the same devices then they would know they are not working, and need to look for a different security device.
:doh::doh: Doc if security devices are being breached, and others have the same devices then they would know they are not working, and need to look for a different security device.

It makes no difference he wont know how they bypassed them!

If a thief wants a car bad enough its gone, you want to be theft proof then allow people to keep grizzly bears and hyenas in the back of their vehicles or start electrifying bodywork but its not a practical solution by any means.

We have a sticky thread with security devices in it and theres no miracle cure.......
:mad::mad::mad:There was one like yours parked behind my D2 on cannock chase at the same time same day . That one was still there 2 hours later when I returned to my car. Hope you get yours back.
:mad::mad::mad:There was one like yours parked behind my D2 on cannock chase at the same time same day . That one was still there 2 hours later when I returned to my car. Hope you get yours back.

Thanks - wish they'd seen that one first!
It wasn't mine was it?....... apparently the a***holes move them and park them up for a day 'ish to see if there's a tracker fitted.
Mine has but needed re-activating as I 'forgot' to pay my subscription (idiot).
(no comments on that bit please).
Anyway, the tracker company has done this today so fingers crossed they'll get a response from the unit.
No other security fitted.
The Defender parked behind my car was about 9 months old.This one followed me from the cannock/ Penkridge road area it was a 63, reg. all clean , looked brand new.
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Will keep my eyes open for you on my travels around Stoke and Derby.

Hope the tracker doesn't cause insurance payout issues (my ins. company are very anal about the tracker being operational for any insurance claims)
Will keep my eyes open for you on my travels around Stoke and Derby.

Hope the tracker doesn't cause insurance payout issues (my ins. company are very anal about the tracker being operational for any insurance claims)

but how would they prove it was or wasn't, I've wondered this myself, if they nick it, take it somewhere and kill/disable the tracker, before its noticed its missing, unless its actually recovered, theres no proof on the insurance cos side that it wasnt functional.
In most cases trackers only work after they have been noticed to be gone, and triggered.
but how would they prove it was or wasn't, I've wondered this myself, if they nick it, take it somewhere and kill/disable the tracker, before its noticed its missing, unless its actually recovered, theres no proof on the insurance cos side that it wasnt functional.
In most cases trackers only work after they have been noticed to be gone, and triggered.

Well in this case, and i don't want to labour this point for the OP's sake, but, if the tracker wasn't being paid for then that's a straight opt out for the ins. company.

But, my tracker ( I believe) reports in regularly, so, they'd have history, i assume it is the tracker companies responsibility to tell you if it stops logging in as you have no way yourself of knowing if the thing is working or not. As far as i am aware, trackers are logged all the time, it's only when they are stolen that the tracker company basically load up the log files and see what is going on?
(My assumption on this is that if my vehicle moves whilst all locked up, etc. or is opened without being unlocked then the tracker company call me to let me know)
but how would they prove it was or wasn't, I've wondered this myself, if they nick it, take it somewhere and kill/disable the tracker, before its noticed its missing, unless its actually recovered, theres no proof on the insurance cos side that it wasnt functional.
In most cases trackers only work after they have been noticed to be gone, and triggered.

Insurance company, contacts tracker company and asks, is this a active account ,or has It expired
Will keep my eyes open for you on my travels around Stoke and Derby.

Hope the tracker doesn't cause insurance payout issues (my ins. company are very anal about the tracker being operational for any insurance claims)

Thanks everyone but no joy - I suspect it's a rack of spares now!
Insurance didn't know I had a tracker and it wasn't a stipulation on the policy so hopefully no issues.
I spoke to someone recently who had his defender nicked last year..........his chassis turned up 3 months later on a lorry with 30 others bound for Croatia.
:mad:I was at the chase this morning with dog, police patrol driving round and warden in another car checking car park, to late to do you any good though.
:mad:I was at the chase this morning with dog, police patrol driving round and warden in another car checking car park, to late to do you any good though.

Well, if by chance it stops a theft of another Defender then that's a good thing.
Thanks everyone for keeping an eye out.

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