I decided in the end to try a bigger battery. The one I bought 6 months ago was listed as the correct one on eurocarparts site - it is a 031 70Amp 540cca, I think this one was a bit too weedy.
So I bought the other one they had listed, a 664 105Amp 760cca. I tried this morning, probably the coldest its been so far, I gave it 2 lots of glow plug, and it started after about 20 seconds of cranking.:D
Cured - I hope! (was a tight fit in the battery box though!)

That first battery you had was too small, iirc the recommended cca is 590 minimum for a disco.

I got mine from a local farm machinery shop, small tractor battery 1000cca. Starts without using glow plugs every time;) and only £70:D
I woultnt say cranking 20 seconds before it fires is cured :lol: it annoys me it takes 4/5 turns of the starter to start :lol:
Yeah still got trouble there! 20 seconds!! :eek:

I have fitted a fair few 072 to Discos and they are around 510-550 amps usually.

If that was spinning over fast on your new 760cca battery and it still took 20 seconds you have problems!!
20 seconds!
I get annoyed waiting 5 seconds on really cold mornings! Then again im impatient and never wait for the glow plugs to warm up :D
Here is the one I got - 1000 cca and does the job, and just fits nice and snug..


Alphaline / Alphaline Batteries / Batteries by Application

When I ordered from the Battery Mega Store, they were really helpful, and got it delivered to my works address the very next day.

Been in for around 2 years now, and still starts on the button ;)
I never looked for 'make specific' but for size of CCA's and if it would fit.

330mm long was the max I found (if you don't have air con).

You can't seem to actually search the batteries they have on their website, so if you do need to buy from them, might be worth a visit to your local branch and see what they actually have in stock, and then buy online from them. That way you will still save and hopefully get a bigger battery.
I have two Halfords 072 in my car, both pinched out of various cars along the way, both most be cracking on 4 years old now and still going strong.

The HCB072 is a calcium recipe and therefore slightly better performance :)

Mine is a v8 though so is probably easier to spin over than a diseasel.
20 seconds was probably a bit of an exageration, was probably under 10! started this morning after 3 or 4 turns of the engine, but it wasnt as cold. I will check all the earths and probably add the extra one as suggested.
Dont think my glow plugs are too good either, I will try to test them at the weekend
By the time the engine has turned over 3 times she is away. Must be within 2-3 seconds at worst.

Any diesel that takes a long time to start is suffering. Check fuel pipes for leaks, lift pump, injectors may need cleaning or replacing, compression ration all of which strangle an engine.

Despite the Landy being rust magnets and slow, they do have great engines that will keep on giving you great service even when abused and neglected. Unlike my misses, slapped her once and then the police got involved............................the judge Said that she was horrified that...........

Anyway you get the picture

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