You can either link both Alternator charge wires or install new charge wires and wire back to your batteries (Seperate wires is the better option) The Wires should be approx 110 amp rating 16mm Square O/D about 8mm.
The little Brown & yellow wire (i think thats the colours) which is the lamp charge wire just wire from one Alternator to the other.
Make sure on your second Alternator the you give it a good separate Earth ! dont rely on the Alternator bracket to be an earth. Do this by earthing the Alternator casting via the bolts that clamp it to your bracket to either a good earth Bolt on your engine or by wiring straight back to your batteries.

If your not running a cut off switch you can just run your 2nd charge wire to the starter where your 1st charge wire goes.

Hope this makes sense.

Dont forget that a battery will only except so many amps in an hour ! You can have the biggest Alternator out there but it will still only charge at what your battery will except. Alternators wont run big winches ! Good fully charged and well maintained batter's do.
There's a lot more to battery charging and running Aux electrics than meets the eye.

There is just not enough voltage difference between alternator output voltage and battery voltage to generate more than a small current.
The increase over time of the normal alternator output ratings is to supply power for running the increase of electrical items when the car is running, e.g. electric seats, heated seats, bigger car stereo.

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