I think this question has been asked a few times before. You might like to attempt a search. I realise as a RR owner such things are probably beneath you. But do try to humour us there's a good chap!!
otherwise trewy an sean starts yelling at yer for being an stoopid such an such
any one know how to by pass the hand brake so the tv will work while in motion not for me to watch thanks

:confused: if you take "off "the hand brake while in "motion" ya might go a bit quicker as well :confused:

or are you saying the tv stops working when the handbrake is released:confused: :rolleyes:
I think this question has been asked a few times before. You might like to attempt a search. I realise as a RR owner such things are probably beneath you. But do try to humour us there's a good chap!!


Redhand's right mate. This question crops up at least once a month from suicidal Range Rover drivers!

The answer is always no, usually accompanied by a bollocking! Someone'll be along with that in a minute...
any one know how to by pass the hand brake so the tv will work while in motion not for me to watch thanks

honestly fella, how dull must you be that ur fookin passengers need to watch tv rather than have a conversation with ya!

jeez a loo!

get a defender!
me nanna like his records sshhh:rolleyes:
i asked a question if you dont know why place answers like this these forums are for help or are they just for a laugh do you own a new range rover as if you did and you want to put rear screens in you can use the system fitted if you get it to work with hand brake off. you can get programed to do this
if yer wants elp wivout **** taking, yer in the wrong place.
specially if yer a merkin.
i asked a question if you dont know why place answers like this these forums are for help or are they just for a laugh do you own a new range rover as if you did and you want to put rear screens in you can use the system fitted if you get it to work with hand brake off. you can get programed to do this

**** off somewhere else then yer whining twot.

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