
New Member
Hi all noticed a problem when turbo comes in about 2500 rpm there is a loud hissing noise either loseing air or sucking air in ? i know prob split pipe but any idea which one and if it is a common fault as turbo does'nt kick in when stood prob hard to determine which pipe to look at any help would be appreciated thanks

look around the steel jubbley clips as these are close together and have been known to puncture the rubber and create a hissing sound and play havoc with turbo. . .;)
Hi Kenners!
I noticed on mine that the L/H side hose (looking from the front) from the intercooler to the black plaggy bit, chews itself against the engine. Just undo the jubbly and bent it back to have a look if Mings suggeston dunt cure it.
Best o luck!

Just as a matter of precaution I checked out the engine bay very carefully and where I saw a tube being close to something dangerous as tubeclips or so I either fixed them away from these points or I inserted a piece of a waterhose, cut open, inbetween, to avoid these punctures. Also my engine cover was too close to the big canvas main airinlet so I cut a part off that cover to have that canvas tube free of it. Did the same with the water hoses that come from the FBH etc.

Look at the right angle one on the battery side that you can see with the cover on. Mine split length ways at the back. I was told it was acommon one to go.

Look for or feel for any oily deposits/mess as asign

merlinghnd said:

Look for or feel for any oily deposits/mess as asign


Hi Merlinghnd!
On both my hoses (intercooler) i get oily patches on the outer surface midway ie. not near the jubbly clips and wondered if this was an indication that the hoses are collapsing internally?? This could cause a restriction and account for my smokey problem??Maybee! possibly!
any idea?
Cheers Mondo
Hello Mondo,

I was told that if your hose is collapsing, it will collapse, result in loss of power with the need to stop completely where the hose will reform. I guess if you are getting mess on the outside you must have a hole/split. However another thought is how smoky is your engine and have you ever lost power at say 70mph and found no matter how much you push the pedal, there is no power and speed drops off? If so look at "Freelander Loss of Power at 70mph" or similar threads which I started. Basically there is a cam shaft breather filter inside the engine which clogs up, making the engine "breathe" and pushes oil from the sump through the pistons, through the intercooler/turbo/exhaust and makes a smoky and smelly exhaust.Another indicator is if you check the oil level after the engine has warmed up, pull the dipstick out and see if the oil is unusually high up the dipstick BEFORE you wipe it to take a proper reading. Imagine the engine under abnormal pressure trying to push oil out any where it can.

I am no expert, just a person who has gone through these problems and would not want anyone to have the same problem as me!

Hope this helps
Yes i tend to agree with Merlin on this , hoping it was blocked hose or summit but as the M ondo has looked at the most common it could be the start of the rare breather problem,also all the signs that the Merlin points out are correct,on one of the threads is a picture of the culprit and details of what it does, its not expensive and most normal earthling could d i y. . .;)
Thanks for that peeps!
But sorry to say i aint gettin any of the above symptoms and ive checked way back thro the threads for owt similar.
As for the smoke,,It only happens under hard acceleration (from standing or when the box kicks down) Its hardly noticable normally, In fact i never noticed it untill i fitted Rons box, or unplugged the maf.Thats when it realy showed up. and it is just a big puff of black smoke once! and then nothing at all ???????
On with the Search i suppose!
Hi all thanks for advice especialy MERLINGHND! found a split in the 90 degree bend going to egr hope this also cures my top end problem will find out on tuesday will let you know!

Hi all,

Today while returning home I also heard that loud hissing noise, arrived home I checked it out and it was indeed the L shaped hose which got split. Went to the dealer and after that visit and being 6.64 £ poorer it took me 5 mins. to fix it.

just a thought guys - but wot wiv all these hoses splittin, have any of yu tried the ol' blu silcone hoses?
The Mad Hat Man said:
just a thought guys - but wot wiv all these hoses splittin, have any of yu tried the ol' blu silcone hoses?

What are these ?? I was thinking of solid plastic armed tubes of the different diameters, plastic not vulnerable for oil or so I guess ?? (Problem is the pre-shaped formats one needs).

That 90° elbow could very well do the trick, it's available in a whole variety of bore I saw, what's the benefit of this blue silicone hoses pse ? It's the first time I ever heard/saw about these ?? Are they more oil-resistant than the black rubber ones ??
yup - much betta - used by all the guys in the GT40 club. Tend not to perish either as Silicone is inert( I Believe). why not send the co an e-mail or phone them - and ask the Q?

below copied from web site - hope it helps (bit biased tho ;)) are a new name in silicon hoses, but with a 30 year history in the development of engineered components and performance engine applications.

If it’s automotive, marine or an industrial piece of equipment and requires silicon hoses, can help! hoses are suitable for cooling systems, charge air systems, induction systems and negative/ positive pressure signal lines. With its’ temperature range stability, flexibility, longevity, thermal, and electrical insulation properties, silicon polymers are a modern miracle of engineering material science.
Yes MHM,

Tried to find an email address but nothing. Besides just put a new elbow on it now, if it will keep up for another 6 years as the first one it's a little silly to buy something now to have it laying around for nothing. And by the time I need one or another hose it takes too long to order before I can get it here, thus the dealer will be the only solution again I'm afraid.

Seeing the blue print :D information I'd say it's the ideal kind of hoses to put on a car. Why don't automotive companies not use it more often ? The price can't be an objection as for a common black rubber hose you pay almost as much.
lots of peeps in the UK sell them, but if it lasts 6 years then i agree, but mite be useful for anyone else.
Definitaly, the guy (small independent hobby tech, specialised in Defenders, he's also the president of the Belgian LR club) where I go for my maintenance orders his parts somewhere in the neighbourhood of Dover I believe, he says it's much cheaper to order everything overthere and have it shipped rather than to go and get it at LR Belgium (or one of their dealers).
sorry Willo - forgot yu are in Belgium. - have a look in google or ebay.

If this hose collapsing is a common problem - and maybe it is, from wot we hear on the forum. It might be worth him getting a couple of sets of silicone hoses as alternatives?

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