steve bain

New Member
right gang. as said before i think my turbo was passing oil into the air intake system. if i grab the fan it wobbled around a fair bit. i bought a s/h one and although not as bad it does wobble a bit. he said it ran fine when he used it.

so should it wobble maybe .5mm?

also how can i check my breather is working correctly?

thanks in advance. want to check before fitting it tonight.

You should be able to feel the shaft wobble but not really be able to see it wobble if that makes sense. The bearing works with a high pressure film of oil so the tighter the fit the less wear the turbo has on it. So long as there are no signs of the impellor blades scoring the turbo housing then its likely a good one.
how ****ed off am i?! new one has turned up and its in worse condition than my old one! the blades are grooved on the edge. however i think oil was transfering across on the old one. or could oil get into there some other way? like through the breather

i can't afford to buy another turbo so have to make a choice between the two. the one with grooved blades or with the oil leak. what would you do?

the grooves look like they are formed through dirt


Oil could get into the intake through the breather but not normally in large amounts unless your engine is fooked.
Out of the two pictures I'd say the top one is shot as the blades have obviously been contacting the housing at speed to cause the grooves. If it was the one you bought send it back and get your money back or chuck it through his bedroom window.
In the bottom one the blades look OK but there are signs of oil on them which may be coming from the turbo bearing oil seal. You can get rebuild kits but I have no experience of them.
You can buy a rebuild kit but you must get it ballanced after you rebuild it, there is a thead on here somewhere that covers a rebuild.
DONT FFS fit the one in the top pic as its well f*cked and only good for a paper weight , whats the outlet like in the bottom one , and i dont mean the exhaust side of the turbo ( pic that is ) ??? .

what engine have ya got ? .
sorry guys. 200tdi. the top one is the 'new one'. heres a photo of the outlet. there was probably quarter of a mug of oil in the intercooler. my mind is going towards the breather now as it did pour with oil when i disconnected it!

either way i am going to refit the oily one as the other one looks knackered! he has also bent the actuator and rotated the turbo at its body, so all in all a paper weight!

okay. good news, few phone calls and i picked up another turbo with manifold etc. what ever you do DO NOT cut the fat oil return pipe! the are dealer only and cost £85! luckily my new turbo came with that pipe. cost £80, but at least it will work.
Is your air filter clean? A dirty filter can cause the oil to be sucked through turbo seals if the filter is blocked up.

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