
New Member

Turbo went two weeks ago. Bought a new one and spent last weekend fitting new one. Also doing EGR blanking. Bolt sheared on manifold so blanking plate isn't fitting right and going to need to drill it. Pics below.




Feel free to add any advice as always!

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Bolt on my EGR was rounded too. Was a bastard, in the end long nose mole grips needed squeezing closed with another set of mole grips and we had movement, lots of GT85 and we got the re in the end.

Have you tried heat and all the usual tricks to get the stubborn bolt out?

I have a pre 2002 TD5 so dont have the heat exchanger unit on the front of the block like you do. Are you stripping it all out or just blanking holes?

Dont throw the EGR unt away in case they ever change the emission rules ;)
Hi guys,

Mine is actually one of the first TD5's off the production line so is early 1998. Was owned by LR for a long while and then sold to an enthusiast. I am just blanking. Will be keeping what's taken off as I have heard that they may decode to change the rules.

Tried the heat to get it off and lots of rust-off. Mole grips I guess can be an avenue to explore.

Have also replaced all the hoses with silicon. Will post some more pics when I work on it again this Sunday.

Quite a far cry from the newbie I was when I bought it over two years ago now and didn't have a clue...

Hi guys,

Mine is actually one of the first TD5's off the production line so is early 1998. Was owned by LR for a long while and then sold to an enthusiast. I am just blanking. Will be keeping what's taken off as I have heard that they may decode to change the rules.

My bad, i mistook the fan blade for the cooling unit on later TD5 EGR units! :doh: (note to self, get eye test.)

I cleaned mine out and put it in a plastic bag on the top shelf in the pantry, lets hope the wife dosent throw it out or something similar.

Im sure you will have your own method for drilling bolts but i generally start small and work up and then try and crack whats left out with a very small screwdriver or some sort of spike.

Good luck sir.
Thanks BGB.

It is air-con but the fuse has gone so needs to be replaced. I'm just glad I am finally fixing this car myself instead of being ripped off by service garages. At 14 years old it's going to hold it's value pretty well being a Defender (and prices I imagine will become even stronger or go up with them discontinuing it?!? Also you can't really expect FSH at that age and no-one concerned with FSH will even be looking at something that old... Will just be us lot who can tell if it's been looked after.


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