Magic také the reply and stick up you arse. It/s not my falt that i/m diskecst was just trying to find somthing out
Magic také the reply and stick up you arse. It/s not my falt that i/m diskecst was just trying to find somthing out

Sorry mate but that doesn't read as a dislexia problem, it just reads as someone that doesn't proof read what they are typing!

The original answer was a bit of fun/**** taking which we expect on this forum, so lighten up and you will get on a hell of a lot easier!

You posted "tup" rather than "tub" a "tup" being a sheep! therefore the reference was made.

Now, to your question..... There is no reason why it wouldn't fit, the only possible difference I guess may be different bracketry but that is easy to sort out. Dimensions wise they are the same.
Sorry mate but that doesn't read as a dislexia problem, it just reads as someone that doesn't proof read what they are typing!

The original answer was a bit of fun/**** taking which we expect on this forum, so lighten up and you will get on a hell of a lot easier!

You posted "tup" rather than "tub" a "tup" being a sheep! therefore the reference was made.

Now, to your question..... There is no reason why it wouldn't fit, the only possible difference I guess may be different bracketry but that is easy to sort out. Dimensions wise they are the same.

Thanks for that . I do proof read every thing iwright

but stll find it very hard to get it right thanks for the help.
Just re read the thread from the begining. And i can now see where everyone is comming from... Will need to use my spell checker more often:D

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