
New Member
Im having a series of disasters atm, firstly trying to prime the aluminium panels (using etch primer and 2k thinner), its reacting around the old paint:mad: Am I rite in thinking I need to remove all the old paint?
Secondly I then went to open the tin of bronze green paint and it resembled rice pudding. I sprayed my bulkhead with it months ago and got a great finish but its like its gone off, I take its knackered?
Thanks for any advice in advance
Im having a series of disasters atm, firstly trying to prime the aluminium panels (using etch primer and 2k thinner), its reacting around the old paint:mad: Am I rite in thinking I need to remove all the old paint?
Secondly I then went to open the tin of bronze green paint and it resembled rice pudding. I sprayed my bulkhead with it months ago and got a great finish but its like its gone off, I take its knackered?
Thanks for any advice in advance

Had the same when I etch primed my brothers 90. Although I was using cellulose which tends to react more often than 2k due to the high thinners content.
Only way round it was to do a really thin mist coat first. Second coat just slightly heavier but still not a full coat.
Shouldn't need to strip all the old paint, Just nice thin coats and you should be fine.
I'l try that, Im using a 1k etch primer with 2k thinner (that was recommended by the supplier as its faster), i'l flat it back and try a mist coat. Maybe my gun wasn't set up properly. How often between coats?
I'l try that, Im using a 1k etch primer with 2k thinner (that was recommended by the supplier as its faster), i'l flat it back and try a mist coat. Maybe my gun wasn't set up properly. How often between coats?

You should have a date sheet supplied with your paint. That should tell you.
Not always the case mind I never got one with some of the stuff I got of ebay
How hot is it (or cold :p)
And how heavier a coat you putting on.
When I was doing mine it was about 16degrees and was over coating it within 10 minutes.
sorry if I am being thick here, I thought you only need etch primer if you are spraying bare aluminium, surely if its got old paint on it you don't need to etch, or is it because there are bare spots?
sorry if I am being thick here, I thought you only need etch primer if you are spraying bare aluminium, surely if its got old paint on it you don't need to etch, or is it because there are bare spots?

I just sprayed without any primer, bare spots and all, mind you it's blue and tractor enamel:rolleyes:
I don't generally use primer unless it's all bare metal I'm painting. I just scuff up the existing surface and degrease it.
Lay down a mist coat first let it flash for a bit then go over again with a heavier coat.
The 1k and 2k stuff is normally quite forgiving.
I did purchase the etch off ebay, I did however ask if it had a date on the label and was assured that it was never more than 3 months old, so should be ok. Temperature in the garage is roughly 15*c
Gonna have another go tomorrow night.
If it dont work I will try barcoat, but can I apply onto bare aluminium?:confused2: Ive sanded the panels back to a smoothish blend of old paint and bare metal.
My original plan was to spray green paint straight on as it is (or was) pretty smooth thick paint, but had been discouraged by a local bodywork expert. If all else fails I might go back to plan A!!
Actually, cut to the chase, still waiting for my green paint but when it arrives chuck it straight on lol, watch this space

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