
New Member
Hi guys, not been around a while (basically because our FLndr has been fine for last few months!) Anyway I'm trying to figure out some problems with coolant loss and not panic about HG just yet. I've no problems with mayo in oil or oil in coolant and engine seems to be running fine at present. But do seem to suffer with intermittment loss of coolant from time to time. No long journeys being undertaken and not sitting in traffic too much but somedays about 1/2 pint needs topping up then will go for a week or so with no problem. Last time I had a problem like this it was perished pipe on lower coolant rail which was easily fixed, but then I could see leakage and spot drip mark on driveway. I still blame next door's cat for that as the mad thing likes to climb up behind engine and sit on top of cylinder head when car has cooled ! Fabric on underside of bonnet is covered with cat hair and imagine the surprise the first time I lifted bonnet and found it there ! I've been toying with sprinkling pepper/chilli powder on engine tray but thought of it getting in air circulation in car could be interesting!

Anyway, if next door's cat is not sharpening its claws on my coolant pipes I need some help diagnosig this problem as I can't see any signs of leakage when the car is either running or stood cold. I suppose it could be dripping to somewhere hot when running and evapourating but can't see any signs. Any tips/usual suspects I should think of before run risk of fleecing at garage?
I have that problem too................. the cat one that is ;)

I remember turning over the ignition one moring only to hear a rumbling sound from under the bonnet.

I stopped the engine, opened the bonnet but couldnt see anything of concern. Just traces of white cat hair. Couldnt find the cat but its still at large minus one of its lives.

Re coolant issue, change your expansion cap for starters could just be dodgey valve and keep an eye on the oil and coolant
i posted a reply in another, thread when my coolant went the HG and pipes were fine, turned out it was the radiator core, not simple to diagnoso visually cos the coolant escapes into a trap. and doesn't spill onto the road, well thats what my mechanic said anyway.:rolleyes:
Cheers, hadn't thought about checking cap or signs of leak around there (doh!) so will try again tonight. Next doors cat is now so cocky that it stays there even if central locking opened and waits until door opened. Someone suggested leaving window open and keys in ignition and giving it a shock but I could never be so cruel (or could I?). Anyway not sure if RAC breakdown covers removing bits of cat from engine compartment;)
i posted a reply in another, thread when my coolant went the HG and pipes were fine, turned out it was the radiator core, not simple to diagnoso visually cos the coolant escapes into a trap. and doesn't spill onto the road, well thats what my mechanic said anyway.:rolleyes:

Cheers, another good tip. We've already got a big dog who hates cats! But this bloody cat is so cocky that when he is not under bonnet of Flndr he'll sit on step outside front door so dog can smell/hear him but not get to him (meanwhile dog is going ballastic indoors!) Anyway enough of my cat problems (unless someone can think of something to smear on top of cylinder head that won't stink out interior of car !)
Cheers, another good tip. We've already got a big dog who hates cats! But this bloody cat is so cocky that when he is not under bonnet of Flndr he'll sit on step outside front door so dog can smell/hear him but not get to him (meanwhile dog is going ballastic indoors!) Anyway enough of my cat problems (unless someone can think of something to smear on top of cylinder head that won't stink out interior of car !)

Glue loads of drawing pin to the cylinder head and let it bleed to death, get yourself a catapult for the front step thing.

Aargh ! Still can't solve this intermitent coolant loss, expansion cap fine and left it running on drive for 1/2 hour with no signs of drips/evaporating coolant during or afterwards. Oil is fine and no oil in coolant. No coolant lost during a week of normal driving then bob's your uncle drops about 1/2 pint 2 days running ! The only thing I can think is that on those 2 days wifee had heater blowing hot because its been a bit chilly last few days.

Does that open up any more possibilities about where my problem might be ? :confused: Otherwise it is off to garage. Can't run risk that collant will drop too far on a longer trip or wiffee will forget to check it everymorning!
I had same problem with mine also(coolant loss not cats). never found out problem but when it came back from its service at garage no coolant loss.

They filled it with new coolant......problem solved(although i dont think its that simple).

Have you checked the chamber for any cracks round the mounting points?

I take it that the coolant is indeed flowing round?

Is the coolant low after being taken out for a good thrash? if so then small hole somewhere...radiator or pipes that on leaks under pressure?!
Is the carpet damp on the passenger side. Heater Matrixes are known to fail.

Problem becomes more evident when the heater has been on. You have mentioned that your Wife has driven it (Heater on) and then it needed 1/2 a pint to top up.

Run the car and then turn the heater up full and see how it is, if the matrix is dodgy its a dash out job to replace.
Flow seems ok but will check the carpet floor at weekend. Thanks for ideas, the search for problem continues and will update on progress in case anyone else gets this problem
I had a similar problem, and it turned out that the vent pipe clips ( to the radiator and cylinder head from the expansion tank) were so flimsey that under pressure it seeped the coolant out at the connection. Now your problem could be that or any other clip, as these clips do lose their efficency over time. Change them with jubely clips.
I had a similar problem, and it turned out that the vent pipe clips ( to the radiator and cylinder head from the expansion tank) were so flimsey that under pressure it seeped the coolant out at the connection. Now your problem could be that or any other clip, as these clips do lose their efficency over time. Change them with jubely clips.

Cheers for the tip, how I've missed spending weekends crawling over the Flndr trying to find out what problems are (to be fair it has been ok for about 12 months). Anyway least I've got some more ideas to check out.
Hi i had the same problem could not find where it was coming from 3 weeks later the head gasket blew,but check passenger side for wet carpets may be a leaking heater matrix.
Just found mine today, Kept needing topping up, not by much

Whilst it was running i was under the bonnet i saw a slight stream from the expansion cap, never noticed it when it had stopped before

I have always heard a hissing noise from the bottle since i bought it but considered it normal

Pulled the seal out of the cap and turned it around and put it back in, There was some slight grooving in the seal

Abso fine now
Well tried to diagnose this at weekend and now I'm left thinking possible HGasket problem. (this motor had new hg& cylinder head at 30k, new engine at 60k, new hg at 90k, when we bought it on basis it could surely not go wrong again!) Its done 16k since last HG failure and the engine change was done by LR main dealer. Anyway took it for thrash on Saturday no signs of any leaks anywhere when I got home. Left it running on drive until it got nice and hot and fans running etc. Still no signs of leaks anywhere.

Let it cool and no noticable loss of coolant despite biggest thrashing it has had in weeks. However after checking coolant it looked fine with no signs of oil, then checked oil cap and found small amount of mayo inside cap:eek: . First time I have ever noticed this. Wasn't much (about 1/2 teaspoons worth).

So this week will be monitoring oil and water very carefully. Wifee uses it for about 10miles a day going up and over hills on single track roads, so although it doesn't do many long trips it does get a good workout every day. Anymore signs of mayo and it will be off to garage, but I suspect they will recommend new HG even if that is not the problem and I'm not sure if I can run risk of not getting it done. :confused:

A member recommneded trying something like " k seal " in coolant earlier on, any views from anyone?

How surprising that a 1.8 flndr thread finishes up with HG discussion :(
I have seen 2 early HG problems where water tracked across into cylinder and out through exhaust,thats if you can't find any other reason for coolant loss. ( Sorry to be a pessimist ,my spelling ain't too good either )
A member recommneded trying something like " k seal " in coolant earlier on, any views from anyone?

How surprising that a 1.8 flndr thread finishes up with HG discussion :(

Dont use them, they are only for temp fixes and cowboy mechanics!

Have you had a pressure test on the coolant system?

Try the clear freezer bag taped over the expansion bottle method.
Any excessive condensation will show dodgey cap
Dont use them, they are only for temp fixes and cowboy mechanics!

Have you had a pressure test on the coolant system?

Try the clear freezer bag taped over the expansion bottle method.
Any excessive condensation will show dodgey cap

Can't see any obvious leak from expansion cap but will try your tip with the bag, thanks. Pressure test at garage will be next on list.

Anyone any ebay/online tips for where to quickly get new expansion cap as I may as well change it, just in case.

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