Because it was in the front of mine and I bought it new but when I took it out the part number wasn't the same as on the box which is why I was trying to find out. And to be honest it prob hasn't even covered 500 miles. I don't get you lot sometimes someone is trying to sell something and fair enough if you don't want it but why the #### do you have to be so negative. So what if someone else didnt sell there's for the same price and so what if you think it's expensive. But the chances of selling are none after all the bull**** comments you've all put
Because it was in the front of mine and I bought it new but when I took it out the part number wasn't the same as on the box which is why I was trying to find out. And to be honest it prob hasn't even covered 500 miles. I don't get you lot sometimes someone is trying to sell something and fair enough if you don't want it but why the #### do you have to be so negative. So what if someone else didnt sell there's for the same price and so what if you think it's expensive. But the chances of selling are none after all the bull**** comments you've all put

Pick your dummy up that you just spat out.

Not slating anything. Just clearly being said by a few people that its all well and good wanting that amount for it. But it's a little optimistic.

All I said was is wasn't enough of a price difference when you can buy new for my alot more and have a full warranty and know where it's been and what it's done
Well don't mean to rub it in. But you proved us all wrong ther! Good job you got the £400 on ebay and not £300 that I said :rolleyes:

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