
New Member
Hi I am here again unfortunately, some time ago I had a new tank fuel pump fitted and then 4 new glow plugs , and still it struggles to start when cold , it was never perfect after having the glow plugs fitted and has got increasingly worse, any idea's please
Is it turning over and not firing? Td5 do need a good strong battery and a good earth, try replacing the bushes on back of starter motor did this on mine and been fine since
thank you for your reply , another diagnosis I have received is it could be the seals round the injectors, what do you think ?
Its possible. Have you checked your engine oil levels lately? When injector seals go they normally leak diesel in to the sump.
check injector washers and o rings, doesnt always lose diesel, but can cause hard starting issues, another comon hard start issue is the conectors on the glow plugs, they should be tight and make good contact. good luck
A TD5 engine in good order should not need any glows to start in this weather. Mine have an inline switch to disconnect them during the summer and I've not needed to use them yet.

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