its people like you grunt that give not only landrover owners a bad name but the hole of the uk bet your mum is really proud of you
Hey Pimple you leave my Mum out of this. It int her fault I've gone totally off the rails an in doing so have brought every Landy owner in Christendom down to my guttersnipe level.
Ey worrabout me? Nasty pimpleman was casting nasturtiums about how much my dear owld mum loved me.
LOOK GUYS, i am not going to say ragging round the cob is acceptable by any means, be it a bike quad landy etc, however it's known locally as a play ground for such means, don't get me wrong i do respect the rights of conservation, The land is truelly exceptional to view, i love and respect it as i always did as a child on a bmx, sadly it is and end of an era, Due to people with careless attitudes and big motors. i would like to apologose once again to those i have upset, i posted this thread to warn of the changes on this land which are not yet completely in force, over the next nine to twelve months enforcments will be in place. (thats not a guess) i spoke with the ranger!!!!!!!!!!! so all you clowns feeling better by knocking someone coz we dont fit into your site and your club hear this !!!

I thought to warn you of the changes, please forgive me for that, if you know the "cob" its coz you been there for what ever reason be it with your kid on a bike, or a stroll in your bus.

Whatever reason you visited, cherish it. the cob is now a place of conservation, hasnt always bin this way yella!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It came as a suprise to me, and im less than a mile local, ( not some with a view to knock people at any given chance)

Once again without skitt, my apologies.
Give up Dale. Unfortunately this web site is far too full of ****ers for you to get a sensible reply to what I would class as sensible advice.
Yella ????

Could you please tell me where the foot path is???

You obvious have some clout on here, despite that i will challenge you on your views. Footpath?? i do not think so !!

This land is all we had as kids that chose to avoid drugs and vandalism, be it with a rifle for the rabbits with a lamp during the hols, or just meeting with pals to do a half decent jump on a bmx.

I put this to warn to you that know it, not those with an opinion of everything.

for those of you name calling, well send me a mail with you address.

Feel free.

What a site, i can only apolgise to those trulely offended. I shall not return with any posts, questions or advice as you all seem too clicky for me, I guess i must find a new hobby as i have upset so many of the gods in this land rover place.

P.s to date, no bikes cars landys have ever bin seized on this land,


Get your map out yella??????????????????????????????

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