
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Anyone fancy a trip to Wales for some greenlaning round Strata Florida and Church Stretton. Dates are 29th/30th of May.

Meet up Saturday morning(29th) for a days laning round Strata Florida and spend Sat night in a Bunkhouse, then Sunday (30th) laning round Church Stretton. As it's Bank Holidayweekend. You'll have all day Monday to fix any breakages before having to go to work Tuesday. :)

Add your name to the list below as well as number of peeps in ya vehicle. If you're interested.

Redhand & Minty + Daughter..
It should be a good weekend pikey, will be even better if it is wet as a few members will know who have been around streton with me in the past, am looking forward to it,

1.Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2.90boy mabe with mrs and little man
1.Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2.90boy mabe with mrs and little man
3. Muddy Gonzo + Son
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I'd be interested in joining in if you can put up with a complete off road novice.
I live about 12 miles away from Strata.
Anyone welcome to kip on the floor, got spare bed or maybe 2, gotta tent for 4 that can be put up in the the garden (or bring your own). Probably be able to arrange off road parking (next door has hardcored his whole garden with security lights on all night). Quiet village ( One car crime in the 4 years that I've been here). Local pub supposed to do good food
1.Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2.90boy mabe with mrs and little man
3. Muddy Gonzo + Son
4. Rich P
5. Schism +1
1.Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2.90boy mabe with mrs and little man
3. Muddy Gonzo + Son
4. Rich P
5. Schism +1
6. Redwings + son
7. RobinT + 1 (possibly)
1. Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2. 90boy mabe with mrs and little man
3. Muddy Gonzo + Son
4. Rich P
5. Schism +1
6. Paul D maybe +1, maybe +2 or +3 ... dunno if kids (or even wife) will want to come along! Suppose I could ask the girlfriend ... ;)

Might have to check dates as we may be going up there late Feb as well, and it's unlikely we'll be able to afford two full weekends away within a month of each other to same place .. ;)
Feck, you gotta be quick round 'ere ......
I'm gonna make a video diary of the weekend aswell and upload it to a dvd ive got several cameras that can be mounted on the Bobtail, also ive got camping gear so i dont care where i crash my head at night.
1. Redhand & Minty + Daughter
2. 90boy mabe with mrs and little man
3. Muddy Gonzo + Son
4. Rich P
5. Schism +1
6. Paul D maybe +1, maybe +2 or +3 ... dunno if kids (or even wife) will want to come along! Suppose I could ask the girlfriend ... ;)

Might have to check dates as we may be going up there late Feb as well, and it's unlikely we'll be able to afford two full weekends away within a month of each other to same place .. ;)

ere pikey i've got permission to go on the understanding that I have enough money for fuel and I get breakdown recovery bought and paid for before I go :D
ere pikey i've got permission to go on the understanding that I have enough money for fuel and I get breakdown recovery bought and paid for before I go :D

They gonna pick you up and deliver the series to wales then??

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