
Active Member
1996 90 300Tdi. Speedo works fine, although the needle is a bit wobbly. Odometer records overall distance correctly. Trip meter goes up to about 1.3 miles after a reset, and then stays there. Is it worth getting inside and seeing if it can be fixed, or is it a case of a) another from a scrapper, or b) live with it?

Fuel gauge is unreliable (ran out with nearly half a tank showing on the gauge) so it's quite important to be able to track distances.

It's on 136,000, so hasn't done too badly.
I had this problem after taking my speedo apart to sort out the melted bulb holder. If I remove the rubber cover over the reset knob, it works fine; if I replace it, it exhibits the very same issue you describe. Try removing the rubber cover and see what happens.
Thanks for the input. I was hoping it would be a common problem (on my last car, it happened all the time and it was just a matter of gluing a small wheel back on the speedo drive). Never mind - when I get a minute I will take the speedo out and have a look, and see if leaving the rubber cover off works. If not, it's back to eBay, where s/h clocks are bloody expensive!


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