
Well-Known Member
Went laning with Disco924 and Danny6801 in north wales yesterday and after we all split up around Festiniog I headed down to Dolgellau to fuel up, twenty past six and the petrol station was closing for the night:eek: and no chip shops in the town centre. Made sure I got me moneys worth out of the council though:D


The nearest chip shop was in Bala so I went for a mooch on the way there

Cadair Idris is in the mist


and it was brightening up over the back of Bill's mothers:p




I tried to recreate my avatar from memory but the weather was I bit different


Then into the woods...




and then the sun broke through



Bala in the distance and tea awaits, looked like it had been run over though and even the chip shop was closing for the night


It tasted a lot better than it looked but maybe that was due to my hunger.


Left the house at ten to five in the morning and got home just before ten at night knackered and with tinitus


I think next time a Holiday Inn is called for but what a beautiful part of the world for us tratter drivers
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Was a good day mate shame I never continued with you but was done in we will definitely meet again maybe up your neck of the woods in the peaks.
Great picks, fantastic views, is that new soundproofing in the back not cutting it lol

I would tell you were I went but then I would be on the naughty step

Three hundred odd miles with mud terrains, believe me nothing can drown that noise out, I'd convinced myself I'd knackered a wheel bearing as half way through the day there was a groaning noise coming from the rear end when I went around a corner but whilst changing the rear pads today I saw this...


It was the bloody lugs on the side of the tyre rubbing:eek:

Got me monies worth out of the pads though, thankfully the disks are OK


Dislocation cones are now on the shopping list....
HEHEHE, youll have to show me :p

i once went down horsham on insa turbo special trac,s. swarm of bee,s.

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