Not from that area myself but it seems ridiculous to have that many people in one place!!

Not exactly incon-facking-spicuous now is it?! :eek:


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there was an organised day planned there yesterday i take it they got proper permission and the land wardens were informed ................... least there on byways have seen tracks off piste up there in quite a state ......... still doesnt really call for such a large number of vehicles in one group ...... us locals always make sure we dont have to many in one group and never go off byways
Glad I didnt go all the way out there now stayed local and found some new lanes that I can play on more often. No need to off piste as all that does is get byways gated up so decent people can't use them no more.
Chuffin ell, looks more like the M25 at rush hour.Setting aside the volume of traffic it's bad practice to drive that close anyway,if the lead vehicle get's bogged down and there's no way round him your fooked as well.
To a half-brained Merkin Landy enthusiast it looks to be hoot! So many of the tribe together in their natural environment.

Uh hum, long as proper permits were in place and authorities notified.
with so many vehicles I can't imagine that trip was much fun. you'd be doing loads of sitting around waiting for others peeps the whole time
Don't think any-one would organise such a big meet out-side a pnp. A shame and the reason why I found my first lane to be gated off because dick heads #### about like this. All of then should be sent out with a spoon and a trailer load of turf to go fix it. No food or sleep till its all repaired. And their vehicles taken off them to pay for the turf and police watch.
It is two seperate groups and tint fookall compared to the army convoys that drive the same routes.

Think Treadlightly should fook orf and get their facts straight. LZ has had groups in excess of twenty vehicles on the plains.

It's the only place inb Britain that ya can do it and get away with it
Who is to say they are all one group? the mudhole is a natural meeting place. It only needs a couple of groups to arrive at similar times to look like that. Look at some of the LZ meets. There are pics of over 20 or so vehicles all parked up, but it doesnr mean they do lanes in groups of 20!
Whole load of judgemental going on here. Its xmas week everyone is off and doing there hobbies. Fishing lakes are busy, shoots are busy, shopping centres are busy and so are lanes. Get over it. Glass have no authority and until they do they can go scratch. How can this be one group if the pics show different directions of travel? The bobble hats might have a outrage but the laners are having theirs first.
I cant see the problem there don't seem to be any pics of off piste activity?

just cos its a large group don't meen there all doin anything wrong
I'm pretty sure that I've counted 50+ army vehicles in a convoy on the byways and that included lorries and tanks so summit tells me that all those landys arn't gonna be anywhere near as bad.

When the army were doing some serious exercises a couple of years back some of the byways right by the FIBUA village were nearly impassable even by landy.

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