Yes, I forgot them! Lesson one is, if you are visiting France make sure you leave room for a suitcase full of official requirements!!:D

Better still is a small trailer, then you can include all of your papers. But seriously take photocopies of ALL of your papers, including passport and credit cards and carry those with you whilst having your originals tucked away in a safe place. The only original to carry is your credit card.
Haven't ever needed breathalyzer kits in France.... was a suggestion by Sarkozy in mid 2000's that was never implemented.....
Triangles are a good idea, but if you have functioning hazards that"'s all you need...
Hi viz vests are obligatory.
I am sure that a triangle is obligatory as well. Especially usefull in the countryside where tractors come round the bends on 2 wheels so it is handy to give them at least 25 mts notice that you are there. Mums rushing their kids to school down a country lane should be given at least 50 mts warning.
This new legislation is very unpopular in France and does make driving on secondary roads a real pain... you're always looking at the speedo. Until after the holidays, you'll probably get away with a warning if you're under 95km/h but after that unless it is repealed in the autumn they'll start dishing out fines....
It was all based on very dodgy research, and is unlikely to make any real difference to the accident rate, that is usually down to people over taking in a dangerous spot, tailgating, driving drunk or under the influence. Those that didn't take any notice of the 90km/h will not do so now it's 80...
It has been suggested that extra attention needed to stay at lower speeds, watch the ever changing limits.. (can go from 50 to 110 to 70 in the space of a few kms..) will lead to more accidents...

One has to remember that in France speed limits, double yellow lines and traffic lights are for others not for you.
One has to remember that in France speed limits, double yellow lines and traffic lights are for others not for you.
However, if you are on an express way travelling at 107kph, someone will spend a morning overtaking you at 108 and just maybe will pull in front of you as they power up to 109.5kph.

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