Don't forget warning triangle, hivis waistcoat and breathalyzer kit...
Haven't ever needed breathalyzer kits in France.... was a suggestion by Sarkozy in mid 2000's that was never implemented.....
Triangles are a good idea, but if you have functioning hazards that"'s all you need...
Hi viz vests are obligatory.
One thing to be aware of is that the national speed limit has now been reduced to 80 kmph on all non-dual carriageways.

This new legislation is very unpopular in France and does make driving on secondary roads a real pain... you're always looking at the speedo. Until after the holidays, you'll probably get away with a warning if you're under 95km/h but after that unless it is repealed in the autumn they'll start dishing out fines....
It was all based on very dodgy research, and is unlikely to make any real difference to the accident rate, that is usually down to people over taking in a dangerous spot, tailgating, driving drunk or under the influence. Those that didn't take any notice of the 90km/h will not do so now it's 80...
It has been suggested that extra attention needed to stay at lower speeds, watch the ever changing limits.. (can go from 50 to 110 to 70 in the space of a few kms..) will lead to more accidents...
Haven't ever needed breathalyzer kits in France.... was a suggestion by Sarkozy in mid 2000's that was never implemented.....
Triangles are a good idea, but if you have functioning hazards that"'s all you need...
Hi viz vests are obligatory.

Was postponed indefinitely but is still law although will not be fined 11€ if you don't have one...according to RAC...
One thing I never see printed is that if you get pulled, even just a random road check, the first thing the gendarme asks for is your driving licence, Insurance (green card) and vehicle registration....
Final piece of advice, non vehicle related ... Bring your E111 (while they are still valid) and get a fully comprehensive health, breakdown and repatriation insurance. French hospitals are excellent but if you don't have the card you'll have to pay up front.
I also see so many people breaking down with no repatriation insurance.. In high summer you'll be hard pressed to get your car fixed while you are on holiday, and parts and labour will probably be quite expensive, especially at a dealer. Rather than the aggro of getting it fixed in France, get it towed home... they'll give you a hire car normally too. For the small price of the premium it's well worth the security.
Was postponed indefinitely but is still law although will not be fined 11€ if you don't have one...according to RAC...
Guess RAC is wrong.. 99.9999% of Fren,ch drivers don't have them.. In fact I've never seen them for sale in France either.
I've been stopped and breathalyzed about 6 or 7 times in the last 18 months, but never has this ever come up with the gendarmes or police... As long as you are under the limit all is ok.
Guess RAC is wrong.. 99.9999% of Fren,ch drivers don't have them.. In fact I've never seen them for sale in France either.
I've been stopped and breathalyzed about 6 or 7 times in the last 18 months, but never has this ever come up with the gendarmes or police... As long as you are under the limit all is ok.

You got Amazon in France?...
The reason French don't carry or buy them is because the fine isn't implemented.. why buy something your required by law to carry but is not fineable if you don't have it...I wouldn't...
The reason French don't carry or buy them is because the fine isn't implemented.. why buy something your required by law to carry but is not fineable if you don't have it...I wouldn't...
The fine is not implemented because is was scrapped by the French government in March 2013... So while the need to carry one was not removed from the statue books the sanction for not having one was... So as you say what's the point...
When the law first came in (before it became irrellevent) I bought some. One day after a perfectly normal lunch that involved nothing more than a small kir aperatif each and sharing a 50cl pichet of red wine between us, my wife and I tried them out. Whilst I was under the limit she registered as over it. Be careful out there!! (and guess who has to do all the driving now when we go out)
Not something to take,but,remember the French government has lowerd the speed limit on single lane RN roads from 90kmh to 80kmh.
BUT......Typical of the French.Not all roads have been changed.So be aware to take note of speed limit signs.
There are lots more speed traps in the areas where the limit has been lowered.
Thanks Paulindre, I wasn't aware of that! You could have saved me a spot of bother. Although in the past I have only used it to haul people out of snow drifts, mud holes and ditches.:)

You can pull people out of ditches etc with a rope but you can't tow them home with it. You have got to have a stiff one. (tow bar)
Yes these are on the list, but not always possible to change the bulbs without a tool kit and removing the whole optical block... Friend had her head light blow last year, impossible to change the bulb with just a Leatherman..
I was reading that one of the latest cars has to be taken into a dealership to change the headlamp bulbs

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